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Evaluation of Outcomes for Help Seekers Accessing a Pilot SMS-Based Crisis Intervention Service in Australia.
Crisis ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1027/0227-5910/a000681
Kathryn Williams 1 , Dave Fildes 1 , Conrad Kobel 1 , Pam Grootemaat 1 , Sally Bradford 2 , Rob Gordon 1

Background: In July 2018, Lifeline Australia launched Australia's first short message service (SMS) crisis support service. Lifeline Text aims to reduce psychological distress and increase coping and social connectedness among help seekers, particularly those who prefer text-based communication. Aims: We aimed to independently evaluate the pilot SMS service over a 240-day period. Method: The service evaluation used operational data, pre and postconversation automated questions, and an online survey to assess outcomes. Results: There were 7,315 contacts during operational hours, of which 5,266 progressed to the queue and 99.2% were answered. Suicide was actively being considered by 1,554 help seekers, and 171 were assessed at imminent risk. Commonly discussed topics were mental health problems, issues relating to the self and identity, and family relationship difficulties. Limitations: This was an evaluation of a pilot service focusing on demand and short-term outcomes. Conclusion: The service succeeded in reaching some under-served groups. On average, help seekers were significantly less distressed, felt more confident in their ability to cope and felt greater connection to others, following the text intervention. The demand for Lifeline Text and the high level of suicidality of help seekers show it is meeting urgent needs in the community.


评估在澳大利亚使用基于 SMS 的试点危机干预服务的求助者的结果。

背景:2018年7月,澳洲生命线推出澳洲首个短信服务(SMS)危机支持服务。Lifeline Text 旨在减少寻求帮助者的心理困扰并增加他们的应对能力和社会联系,尤其是那些喜欢基于文本的交流的人。目标:我们的目标是在 240 天内独立评估试点 SMS 服务。方法:服务评估使用运营数据、对话前后自动问题以及在线调查来评估结果。结果: 营业时间内有7,315个联系,其中5,266个进入队列,99.2%的人接听。1,554 名求助者正在积极考虑自杀,171 人被评估为面临迫在眉睫的风险。经常讨论的话题是心理健康问题、与自我和身份有关的问题、和家庭关系困难。局限性:这是对侧重于需求和短期结果的试点服务的评估。结论:该服务成功地覆盖了一些服务不足的群体。平均而言,在文字干预之后,寻求帮助的人的痛苦程度明显降低,对自己的应对能力更有信心,并且与他人的联系更加紧密。对 Lifeline Text 的需求和求助者的高自杀倾向表明它正在满足社区的紧迫需求。以下文字介入。对 Lifeline Text 的需求和求助者的高自杀倾向表明它正在满足社区的紧迫需求。以下文字介入。对 Lifeline Text 的需求和求助者的高自杀倾向表明它正在满足社区的紧迫需求。