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Draft Genome Sequence Resource for Blumeriella jaapii, the Cherry Leaf Spot Pathogen.
Phytopathology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-09 , DOI: 10.1094/phyto-03-20-0082-a
Jingyu Peng 1 , J Alejandro Rojas 2, 3 , Hyunkyu Sang 4 , Tyre J Proffer 1 , Cory A Outwater 1 , Rytas Vilgalys 2 , George W Sundin 1

Blumeriella jaapii is the causal agent of cherry leaf spot (CLS), the most important disease of tart cherry in the Midwestern United States. Infection of leaves by B. jaapii leads to premature defoliation, which places trees at heightened risk of winter injury and death. Current management of CLS relies primarily on the application of three important fungicide classes, quinone outside inhibitors, sterol demethylation inhibitors, and succinate dehydrogenase inhibitors. Here, we present the first high-quality genome of B. jaapii through a hybrid assembly of PacBio long reads and Illumina short reads. The assembled draft genome of B. jaapii is 47.4 Mb and consists of 95 contigs with a N50 value of 1.5 Mb. The genomic information of B. jaapii, representing the most complete sequenced genome of the family Dermateaceae (Ascomycota) to date, provides a valuable resource for identifying fungicide resistance mechanisms of this pathogen and expands our knowledge of the phytopathogenic fungi in this family.



美洲布鲁默氏菌是樱桃叶斑病(CLS)的病原体,樱桃叶斑病是美国中西部最重要的酸樱桃病。B. jaapii感染叶子会导致过早的落叶,使树木更容易遭受冬季伤害和死亡。CLS的当前管理主要依赖于三种重要的杀菌剂类别的应用:醌类外抑制剂,固醇脱甲基化抑制剂和琥珀酸脱氢酶抑制剂。在这里,我们通过PacBio长读和Illumina短读的混合装配展示了Ja。Jaapii的第一个高质量基因组。Jaapii的组装的基因组草图基因组为47.4 Mb,由95个重叠群组成,N50值为1.5 Mb。的基因组信息JaapiiB. jaapii)是迄今为止皮肤科(Ascomycota)家族中最完整的测序基因组,它为鉴定该病原体的抗真菌剂机理提供了宝贵的资源,并扩大了我们对该植物致病真菌的认识。
