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Four decades of new vascular plant records for Greenland.
PhytoKeys ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-10 , DOI: 10.3897/phytokeys.145.39704
Christian Bay 1

Records of new species of vascular plants in Greenland from the last four decades are presented and new phytogeographical data leading to extension of the known distribution limits in Greenland are discussed. Since the publication of the latest edition of the Flora of Greenland in 1978 (Böcher et al. 1978) fieldwork by Greenland Botanical Survey and other expeditions have taken place especially in West and East Greenland and in many remote areas in North and Northeast Greenland. This paper serves as an update of the Flora of Greenland. Twenty species, one subspecies and one new forma have been added to the flora of Greenland: Carex membranacea Hook., Carex miliaris Michx., Carex rhomalea (Fernald) Mack., Equisetum hyemale L., Festuca edlundiae S. Aiken, Consaul and Lefkovich, Festuca groenlandica (Schol.) Frederiksen, Festuca saximontana Rydb., Galium verum L., Geum rossii (R. Br.) Ser., Papaver cornwallisense D. Löve, Papaver dahlianum Nordh., Papaver labradoricum (Fedde) Solstad and Elven, Papaver lapponicum (Tolm.) Nordh., Pedicularis sudetica Willd. ssp. albolabiata Hult., Poa flexuosa Sm., Puccinellia bruggemanni Th. Sør., Ranunculus subrigidus W.B. Drew., Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke, Trientalis europaea L. and Veronica officinalis L. in addition to one subspecies Phippsia algida (Sol.) R. Br. ssp. algidiformis (H. Sm.) Löve and Löve. The viviparous form of Poa hartzii f. prolifera has been reported for the first time in Greenland. Presently, the total number of vascular plant species in Greenland is 532. 89 new northern and 28 new southern distribution limits are presented and 26 species are new to the flora province East Greenland, whereas 15 species are new to West Greenland. The numbers of new species to flora provinces North and South Greenland are 14 and one, respectively.



介绍了过去四十年格陵兰维管植物新物种的记录,并讨论了导致扩展格陵兰已知分布范围的新植物地理学数据。自1978年最新版的《格陵兰植物志》出版以来(Böcher等人,1978年),格陵兰植物调查局和其他考察队进行了田野调查,特别是在格陵兰西部和东部以及格陵兰北部和东北部的许多偏远地区。本文是格陵兰植物志的更新。格陵兰的植物区系中增加了20种,1个亚种和1个新的形式:苔草(Carex membranacea Hook。),苔草(Carex miliaris Michx),罗克麦(Ferald)Mack。,马贼木(Equisetum hyemale L.),白蜡木(Festuca edlundiae S. ,Festuca groenlandica(Schol。)Frederiksen,Festuca saximontana Rydb。,Galium v​​erum L.,Geum rossii(R.Br.)系列,Papaver cornwallisenseD.Löve,Papaver dahlianum Nordh。,Papaver labradoricum(Fedde)Solstad和Elven,Papaver lapponicum(Tolm。)Nordh。,Pedicularis sudetica Willd。ssp。albolabiata Hult。,Poa flexuosa Sm。,Puccinellia bruggemanni Th。Sør。,Ranunculus subrigidus WB Drew。,Silene vulgaris(Moench)Garcke,Trientalis europaea L.和Veronica officinalis L.以及一个亚种Phippsia algida(Sol。)ssp。阿尔及利亚(H. Sm。)Löve和Löve。哈氏Po的胎生形式。在格陵兰岛首次报道了prolifera。目前,格陵兰的维管植物物种总数为532。提出了89个新的北部分布和28个新的南部分布限制,其中动植物省东格陵兰有26种,而西格陵兰有15种。