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Implementation and Evaluation of a Dual-Track Research Training Program for Community Members and Community-Based Organizations.
Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1353/cpr.2020.0010
Jennifer Cunningham-Erves , Yvonne Joosten , Charrise P. Hollingsworth , Joshua D. Cockroft , Velma M. Murry , Lexie Lipham , Patrick Luther , Yolanda Vaughn , Stephania T. Miller

BACKGROUND It is a public health priority to increase community research participation to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities. There is a need for effective research training programs that build community stakeholders' capacity to engage as equitable partners. OBJECTIVES To describe the collaborative process of implementing and evaluating a dual-track community research training program-Meharry Vanderbilt Community Engaged Research Core-Community Research Training Program (MVC-CRT) Program-and present participant evaluations. METHODS The MVC-CRT is a six-session community-based organization (CBO) curriculum and a three-session community member (CM) curriculum, based on needs identified by various community stakeholders, that was piloted in 2016. Immediately post-training, an outcome evaluation (surveys) was used to measure trainees' confidence relative to 30 learning objectives for the combined training sessions (e.g., Introduction to research), satisfaction in preparing them for research roles, and impact on research activities (e.g., building sustainable partnerships). 2 and 3 months after training, a process evaluation (focus groups) was used to assess each session's flow, materials, group discussions, and facilitators. RESULTS Trainees' immediate post-training confidence increased or remained the same across 26 of 30 learning objectives. Two to 3 months after training, trainees reported sustained confidence, perceived increased knowledge, and increased intentions to engage in or improve research activities. All participants were satisfied with the program and felt better prepared for research roles. CONCLUSIONS Tailored community research training may result in positive outcomes that can ultimately increase community capacity to be equitable partners in research in support of efforts to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities.



背景技术 增加社区研究参与以改善健康结果并消除健康差距是公共卫生的优先事项。需要有效的研究培训计划来培养社区利益相关者作为公平合作伙伴参与的能力。目标 描述实施和评估双轨社区研究培训计划(Meharry Vanderbilt 社区参与研究核心社区研究培训计划 (MVC-CRT) 计划)的协作过程,并提出参与者评估。方法 MVC-CRT 是一个为期六节的社区组织 (CBO) 课程和一个为期三节的社区成员 (CM) 课程,基于各个社区利益相关者确定的需求,于 2016 年进行了试点。培训结束后,结果评估(调查)用于衡量学员对联合培训课程的 30 个学习目标的信心(例如,研究简介)、为他们做好研究角色准备的满意度以及对研究活动的影响(例如,建立可持续的伙伴关系) )。培训后 2 个月和 3 个月,使用过程评估(焦点小组)来评估每个课程的流程、材料、小组讨论和主持人。结果 受训者在 30 个学习目标中的 26 个中,培训后的信心立即增加或保持不变。培训后两到三个月,受训者表示信心持续增强,知识增加,参与或改进研究活动的意愿增强。所有参与者都对该计划感到满意,并感觉为研究角色做好了更好的准备。 结论 量身定制的社区研究培训可能会产生积极的成果,最终提高社区成为公平研究合作伙伴的能力,支持改善健康结果和消除健康差距的努力。