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Eurados review of retrospective dosimetry techniques for internal exposures to ionising radiation and their applications.
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s00411-020-00845-y
A Giussani 1 , M A Lopez 2 , H Romm 1 , A Testa 3 , E A Ainsbury 4 , M Degteva 5 , S Della Monaca 6 , G Etherington 4 , P Fattibene 6 , I Güclu 7 , A Jaworska 8 , D C Lloyd 4 , I Malátová 9 , S McComish 10 , D Melo 11 , J Osko 12 , A Rojo 13 , S Roch-Lefevre 14 , L Roy 14 , E Shishkina 5, 15 , N Sotnik 16 , S Y Tolmachev 10 , A Wieser 17 , C Woda 17 , M Youngman 4

This work presents an overview of the applications of retrospective dosimetry techniques in case of incorporation of radionuclides. The fact that internal exposures are characterized by a spatially inhomogeneous irradiation of the body, which is potentially prolonged over large periods and variable over time, is particularly problematic for biological and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) dosimetry methods when compared with external exposures. The paper gives initially specific information about internal dosimetry methods, the most common cytogenetic techniques used in biological dosimetry and EPR dosimetry applied to tooth enamel. Based on real-case scenarios, dose estimates obtained from bioassay data as well as with biological and/or EPR dosimetry are compared and critically discussed. In most of the scenarios presented, concomitant external exposures were responsible for the greater portion of the received dose. As no assay is available which can discriminate between radiation of different types and different LETs on the basis of the type of damage induced, it is not possible to infer from these studies specific conclusions valid for incorporated radionuclides alone. The biological dosimetry assays and EPR techniques proved to be most applicable in cases when the radionuclides are almost homogeneously distributed in the body. No compelling evidence was obtained in other cases of extremely inhomogeneous distribution. Retrospective dosimetry needs to be optimized and further developed in order to be able to deal with real exposure cases, where a mixture of both external and internal exposures will be encountered most of the times.



这项工作概述了回顾性剂量测定技术在掺入放射性核素的情况下的应用。事实上,与外部照射相比,内部照射的特点是对身体的空间不均匀照射,这种照射可能会长时间延长并随时间变化,这对于生物和电子顺磁共振 (EPR) 剂量测定方法来说尤其成问题。本文初步提供了有关内部剂量测定方法、生物剂量测定中最常用的细胞遗传学技术以及应用于牙釉质的 EPR 剂量测定的具体信息。根据真实情况,对从生物测定数据以及生物和/或 EPR 剂量测定中获得的剂量估计进行了比较和批判性讨论。在所提出的大多数情况下,伴随的外部暴露造成了所接收剂量的大部分。由于没有可用的测定方法可以根据引起的损伤类型区分不同类型的辐射和不同的 LET,因此不可能从这些研究中推断出仅对掺入的放射性核素有效的具体结论。生物剂量测定和 EPR 技术被证明最适用于放射性核素几乎均匀分布在体内的情况。在其他分布极其不均匀的案例中,没有获得令人信服的证据。回顾性剂量测定需要优化和进一步发展,以便能够处理真实的暴露情况,其中大多数时候都会遇到外部和内部暴露的混合情况。