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The impact of urea on toxic diatoms - Potential effects of fertilizer silo breakdown on a Pseudo-nitzschia bloom.
Harmful Algae ( IF 5.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.hal.2020.101817
Anna J Olesen 1 , Sara Harðardóttir 2 , Niels Daugbjerg 3 , Per Andersen 4 , Maren Lyngsgaard 5 , Bernd Krock 6 , Nina Lundholm 1

In spring 2016, two silos containing liquid nitrogen-containing fertilizer collapsed on a harbor in Fredericia, Denmark. More than 2,750 tons of fertilizer spilled into inner Danish waters. A bloom of Pseudo-nitzschia occurred approximately one month after the incident. The bloom caused a 5-week quarantine of numerous mussel-harvesting areas along the eastern coast of Jutland. The levels of domoic acid measured up to 49 mg kg−1 in mussel meat after the bloom. In the months following the event, the species diversity of phytoplankton was low, while the abundance was high comprising few dominant species including Pseudo-nitzschia. The main part of the liquid nitrogen-containing compound was urea, chemically produced for agricultural use.

To investigate the potential impact of urea on Pseudo-nitzschia, four strains, including one strain of P. delicatissima, two of P. seriata and one of P. obtusa, were exposed each to three concentrations of urea in a batch culture experiment: 10 μM, 20 μM and 100 μM N urea, and for comparison one concentration of nitrate (10 μM). Nitrate, ammonium, and urea were metabolized at different rates. Pseudo-nitzschia obtusa produced domoic acid and grew best at low urea concentrations. Both P. seriata strains had a positive correlation between urea concentration and growth rate, and the highest growth rate in the nitrate treatment. One strain of P. seriata produced domoic acid peaking at low N loads (10 µM N urea and 10 µM N nitrate). In conclusion, the ability to adapt to the available nitrogen source and retain a high growth rate was exceedingly varying and not only species-specific but also strain specific.



2016年春季,两个包含液态氮肥料的筒仓在丹麦腓特烈西亚的一个港口倒塌。超过2,750吨的肥料洒入了丹麦内部水域。事发后约一个月,出现了假性紫薇。水华使日德兰半岛东海岸的许多贻贝采集区隔离了5周。开花后贻贝肉中的海藻酸含量高达49 mg kg -1。在事件发生后的几个月中,浮游植物的物种多样性较低,而浮游植物的丰度较高,几乎没有优势种,包括拟南芥。液态含氮化合物的主要部分是尿素,化学生产用于农业。

为了研究尿素对假性奈瑟菌的潜在影响,在分批培养实验中,将四种菌株,包括一种菌株的德氏疟原虫两个菌株的丙酸疟原虫和一个菌株的P. obtusa,分别暴露于三种浓度的尿素中:10 μM,20μM和100μMN尿素,为了比较起见,硝酸盐的浓度为10μM。硝酸盐,铵和尿素以不同的速率代谢。拟南芥产生多摩酸并且在低尿素浓度下生长最佳。两种P. seriata菌株在尿素浓度和生长速率之间都有正相关,并且在硝酸盐处理中具有最高的生长速率。一株疟原虫在低氮负荷(10 µM N尿素和10 µM N硝酸盐)下产生的十二烷酸峰。总之,适应可用氮源并保持高生长速率的能力变化很大,不仅是物种特异性而且是菌株特异性。
