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Estimating drawdown magnitudes of the Mediterranean Sea in the Levant basin during the Lago Mare stage of the Messinian Salinity Crisis
Marine Geology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.margeo.2020.106215
L. Ben Moshe , Z. Ben-Avraham , Y. Enzel , U. Schattner

The Messinian Salinity Crisis (5.97–5.33 Ma) is one of the most dramatic sea level change events in the global geological record. During this event, marine connection between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea was restricted, and episodically blocked. While division of the Messinian Salinity Crisis to three major stages is well established and accepted, the scale of sea level change at each stage is still debated. The magnitudes of the Mediterranean fluctuations throughout the Messinian Salinity Crisis have implications for contemporary connectivity between the eastern and western Mediterranean basins.

During the third stage of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, commonly known as the Lago Mare, Mediterranean Sea level fluctuated repeatedly. Lago Mare drawdowns in the eastern Mediterranean were estimated earlier to vary between <200 m and all the way down to the abyssal basin. Here we assemble morphological, lithological and stratigraphic evidence for Lago Mare levels across the Israeli margin. We differentiate between low-stands of various scales and durations to constrain the magnitude of discrete Lago Mare drawdowns. Since the rates of syn-Messinian isostatic rebounds in response to water column removal are ambiguous, drawdown magnitudes are estimated here as a range and not as an absolute value.

We propose that during the Lago Mare, ravinement along a continuously regressing-transgressing coastline abraded the upper continental margin offshore Israel. The Mediterranean regressed to a depth of 380–550 m below present-day mean sea level, and the eroded strata were evacuated downslope and deposited basinward of this depth as wedge-shape clastic complexes. During relatively short intervals, sea level receded to altitudes ~100 m below the erosional surface. These sea level recessions exposed a pronounced inflection in the slope gradient to sub-aerial processes, generating knickpoints and headward migration of incising gullies. These gullies developed later into channels, conduits for sediment bypass. Fan-deltas were deposited off these channels outlets.

A major sea level fall towards the end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis reached 630–900 m below present-day mean sea level. Streams incised into the exposed tops of the clastic wedges and fan-deltas. Additionally, meteoric water dissolved evaporites within the clastic complexes and formed sinkholes and dolines. During this interval the Mediterranean Sea level fell to below the depth of the Sicily Sill, which separated the eastern and western Mediterranean basins. This finding reinforces previously proposed paradigms, which suggested that the Messinian Salinity Crisis was terminated by spillover events from the Atlantic Ocean to the western Mediterranean basin, and consequently from the western to the eastern basin.


估算墨西尼盐度危机的Lago Mare阶段在黎凡特盆地地中海的下降幅度

墨西拿盐度危机(5.97–5.33 Ma)是全球地质记录中最剧烈的海平面变化事件之一。在此事件中,大西洋和地中海之间的海洋联系受到限制,并被流行地封锁。尽管已经很好地建立并接受了将墨西尼盐度危机划分为三个主要阶段,但仍在争论每个阶段的海平面变化规模。整个墨西尼盐度危机期间,地中海波动的幅度对地中海东部和西部盆地之间的当代连通性具有影响。

在通常被称为Lago Mare的Messinian盐度危机的第三阶段,地中海海平面反复波动。早些时候,估计地中海东部的Lago Mare降水量在<200 m到一直到深海盆地之间变化。在这里,我们收集了整个以色列边缘的Lago Mare水位的形态,岩性和地层证据。我们区分各种规模的低位和持续时间,以限制离散的Lago Mare亏损的规模。由于发生率顺式响应于水柱去除-Messinian等静压篮板是模糊的,垂伸幅值这里作为一个范围,而不是估计作为绝对值。

我们建议在Lago Mare期间,沿不断退缩和延伸的海岸线进行的沟壑侵蚀以色列海上的上大陆边缘。地中海地区退缩到目前平均海平面以下380-550 m的深度,被侵蚀的地层被撤离下坡,并以楔形碎屑复合体的形式向该深度沉积。在相对较短的时间间隔内,海平面后退至侵蚀面以下约100 m的高度。这些海平面衰退使倾斜梯度的显着拐点暴露于亚空中过程,从而产生了切点和沟壑向前移动。这些沟渠后来发展成用于沉积物旁路的通道,管道。扇形三角洲沉积在这些渠道出口之外。

到墨西拿盐度危机接近尾声时,主要海平面下降到目前平均海平面以下630-900 m。溪流切入碎屑楔和扇形三角洲的裸露顶部。另外,陨石溶解的水在碎屑复合物中蒸发并形成了下陷孔和漏斗。在这段时间里,地中海海平面下降到西西里山底的深度以下,西西里山底将地中海盆地的东部和西部分隔开来。这一发现加强了先前提出的范式,该范式表明,从大西洋到地中海西部盆地,进而从西部到东部盆地的溢出事件终止了墨西拿盐度危机。
