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Souporcell: robust clustering of single-cell RNA-seq data by genotype without reference genotypes.
Nature Methods ( IF 48.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-04 , DOI: 10.1038/s41592-020-0820-1
Haynes Heaton 1 , Arthur M Talman 2 , Andrew Knights 1 , Maria Imaz 1, 3 , Daniel J Gaffney 1 , Richard Durbin 4 , Martin Hemberg 1 , Mara K N Lawniczak 1

Methods to deconvolve single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) data are necessary for samples containing a mixture of genotypes, whether they are natural or experimentally combined. Multiplexing across donors is a popular experimental design that can avoid batch effects, reduce costs and improve doublet detection. By using variants detected in scRNA-seq reads, it is possible to assign cells to their donor of origin and identify cross-genotype doublets that may have highly similar transcriptional profiles, precluding detection by transcriptional profile. More subtle cross-genotype variant contamination can be used to estimate the amount of ambient RNA. Ambient RNA is caused by cell lysis before droplet partitioning and is an important confounder of scRNA-seq analysis. Here we develop souporcell, a method to cluster cells using the genetic variants detected within the scRNA-seq reads. We show that it achieves high accuracy on genotype clustering, doublet detection and ambient RNA estimation, as demonstrated across a range of challenging scenarios.


