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Algorithm For Early Threat Detection By Suspicious Behavior Representation
IEEE Latin America Transactions ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tla.2020.9082909
Duber Martínez 1 , Humberto Loaiza 1 , Eduardo Caicedo 1

The proposed early detection algorithm is justified because the probability of success to control a criminal activity increas-es when the response time for generating a warning alarm is reduced. In this paper, a video-based representation model to describe suspicious behavior from elementary actions is proposed. Such behaviors allow detecting potential threats before suspects achieve physical contact with their potential victims. In the algorithm, a novel method to adjust the balance between the anticipation level to threats and the generation of false alerts is introduced. The experimental results obtained from two validation datasets, with attacks to pedestrians and threats against a parked truck, demonstrated the effective-ness of the proposed approach for early threat detection, with performance measures above 90%.



所提出的早期检测算法是合理的,因为当生成警告警报的响应时间减少时,控制犯罪活动的成功概率就会增加。在本文中,提出了一种基于视频的表示模型,用于从基本动作描述可疑行为。此类行为允许在嫌疑人与潜在受害者进行身体接触之前检测到潜在威胁。在算法中,引入了一种新的方法来调整对威胁的预期水平和错误警报的生成之间的平衡。从两个验证数据集获得的实验结果,对行人的攻击和对停放卡车的威胁,证明了所提出的早期威胁检测方法的有效性,性能指标超过 90%。