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New Radiocarbon Dating Results from the Upper Paleolithic–Mesolithic Levels in Grotta Romanelli (Apulia, Southern Italy)
Radiocarbon ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-07 , DOI: 10.1017/rdc.2019.8
Lucio Calcagnile , Raffaele Sardella , Ilaria Mazzini , Francesca Giustini , Mauro Brilli , Marisa D’Elia , Eugenia Braione , Jacopo Conti , Beniamino Mecozzi , Fabio Bona , Dawid Adam Iurino , Giuseppe Lembo , Brunella Muttillo , Gianluca Quarta

In this paper, we present the results of the accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon (AMS14C) dating campaign performed on samples selected from different levels in Grotta Romanelli (Castro, Italy). Grotta Romanelli is one of the key sites for the chronology of Middle Pleistocene–Holocene in Mediterranean region. After the first excavation campaigns carried out in the first decades of the 1900s, the cave has been systematically re-excavated only since 2015. During the last excavation campaigns different faunal remains were selected and submitted for 14C dating in order to confirm the chronology of the cave with a higher resolution. Isotopic ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) measurements were also carried out on faunal remains.


Grotta Romanelli(意大利南部普利亚)旧石器时代-中石器时代上层的新放射性碳测年结果

在本文中,我们介绍了加速器质谱放射性碳(AMS14C) 对从 Grotta Romanelli (意大利卡斯特罗) 不同级别选择的样本进行的约会活动。Grotta Romanelli 是地中海地区中更新世—全新世年代学的重要地点之一。在 1900 年代的前几十年进行了第一次挖掘活动之后,该洞穴仅在 2015 年才被系统地重新挖掘。在最后一次挖掘活动中,选择了不同的动物遗骸并提交给14C测年,以更高分辨率确认洞穴年代。还对动物遗骸进行了同位素比质谱 (IRMS) 测量。