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14C-Dating of the Late Bronze Age City of Hala Sultan Tekke, Cyprus: Status Report
Radiocarbon ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2019-07-23 , DOI: 10.1017/rdc.2019.75
Eva M Wild , Peter M Fischer , Peter Steier , Teresa Bürge

Hala Sultan Tekke is a large Bronze Age city located on the southeastern littoral of Cyprus. The city flourished from approximately 1650 BC to 1150 BC according to the archaeological evidence. Since 2010, Swedish excavations have exposed four new city quarters (CQ1–4) with three occupational phases, the 14C dating of which is of highest importance also for other contemporaneous cultures. The finds demonstrate vast intercultural connections in the Mediterranean and even with southern Scandinavia. In 2014, roughly 500 m to the east of CQ1, one of the richest cemeteries on the island was discovered. According to the archaeological evidence, the finds from the city date mainly to the 13th and 12th centuries BC. However, many of the wealthy tombs and the offering pits from the cemetery are considerably older with the oldest finds dating to the 16th century BC. This raises the question where the city quarters belonging to the oldest finds from the cemetery are situated. The radiocarbon (14C) dates from Hala Sultan Tekke have much influence on the dating of related sites because of numerous imports from a vast area. We present here new 14C data obtained in the course of the current excavations, which add to sets of already existing data.


14C-塞浦路斯Hala Sultan Tekke 青铜时代晚期城市的约会:状态报告

Hala Sultan Tekke 是位于塞浦路斯东南沿海的一座青铜时代的大城市。根据考古证据,这座城市从大约公元前 1650 年到公元前 1150 年蓬勃发展。自 2010 年以来,瑞典的挖掘工作已经暴露了四个新的城市区 (CQ1-4),分为三个职业阶段,即14C 约会对于其他同时代的文化来说也是最重要的。这些发现证明了地中海乃至斯堪的纳维亚南部的广泛跨文化联系。2014 年,在 CQ1 以东约 500 m 处,发现了岛上最富有的墓地之一。根据考古证据,该城市的发现主要可追溯到公元前 13 世纪和 12 世纪。然而,墓地中的许多富有的墓葬和祭祀坑都相当古老,最古老的发现可以追溯到公元前 16 世纪。这就提出了一个问题,属于墓地最古老发现的城市区位于何处。放射性碳 (14C) Hala Sultan Tekke 的日期对相关地点的测年有很大影响,因为从广大地区大量进口。我们在这里展示新的14在当前挖掘过程中获得的 C 数据,这些数据添加到现有数据集。