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Comparison of Underwater Video with Electrofishing and Dive Counts for Stream Fish Abundance Estimation
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-29 , DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10245
Nathaniel P. Hitt 1 , Karli M. Rogers 1 , Craig D. Snyder 1 , C. Andrew Dolloff 2

Advances in video technology enable new strategies for stream fish research. We compared juvenile (age‐0) and adult (age‐1 and older) Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis abundance estimates from underwater video with those from backpack electrofishing and dive count methods across a series of stream pools in Shenandoah National Park, Virginia (n = 41). Video methods estimated greater mean abundance of adult trout than did one‐pass electrofishing, but video estimates of adult abundance were not different than estimates from three‐pass electrofishing or dive count methods. In contrast, videos underestimated the abundance of juvenile trout; we suggest that this is because predator avoidance behaviors by juvenile trout limit their use of microhabitat locations visible to cameras. Integrated abundance estimates from two cameras increased correspondence to comparison methods relative to estimates from single cameras, demonstrating the importance of an expanded field of view for video sampling in streams. Geomorphic features helped to explain methodwise differences: more adult Brook Trout were estimated with video than with three‐pass electrofishing as riffle crest depth and boulder composition increased, indicating habitat associations with trout escapement from electrofishing. Our results demonstrated that video techniques can provide a robust alternative or supplement to traditional methods for estimating adult trout abundance in stream pools.



视频技术的进步为溪流鱼类研究提供了新的策略。我们将弗吉尼亚州谢南多厄国家公园一系列溪流中水下视频的少年(0岁以下)和成人(1岁及以上)Brook Trout Salvelinus fontinalis的丰度估计与背包电钓鱼和潜水计数方法的估计值进行了比较(n = 41)。视频方法估计成年鳟鱼的平均丰度要比单程电钓鱼大,但视频估计成年鳟鱼的丰度与三遍电钓或潜水计数法的估计没有什么不同。相反,录像带低估了鳟鱼的数量。我们认为这是因为少年鳟鱼的捕食者回避行为限制了它们对照相机可见的微生境的使用。与来自单个摄像机的估计相比,来自两个摄像机的综合丰度估计增加了与比较方法的对应性,从而证明了扩大视野对于流中视频采样的重要性。地貌特征有助于解释方法上的差异:随着鱼riff深度和巨石组成的增加,视频估计的成年布鲁克鳟鱼数量比三遍电钓鱼数量要多,这表明栖息地与电钓鱼鳟鱼逃逸的关联。我们的结果表明,视频技术可以为估算溪流中成年鳟鱼丰度的传统方法提供强大的替代方案或补充。