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Project DEAL - Germany is leading the way in the transition to open access publishing.
Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics ( IF 2.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1002/acm2.12890
Michael Mills

1 Introduction

Pioneers in the open access movement are gratified, and more than a little relieved, to see the world moving in our direction. Over the past several years, several consortiums of national research institutions and libraries, notably Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Hungary, and Germany, have initiated negotiations with the leading electronic journal publishing houses including Wiley, Springer, and Elsevier. This editorial focuses on one of the more successful initiatives, Project DEAL (Projekt DEAL), in Germany. The goal of this endeavor is to rewrite the nationwide agreements for licensing content in electronic journals. Under the terms of these negotiations, scientists in Germany would get immediate and full online access to most of the electronic content of a publisher’s journals. In exchange, the publication costs for the German authors would be subsidized, and all of their articles would be published immediately open access. This “publish and read” model makes all articles available to anyone with web access, and additionally, authors have access to all electronic journals of the publisher, including archives.

On January 15, 2019, the DEAL consortium found a willing publisher in Wiley, and signed a 3‐year contract to bring a published and read model to libraries and research institutions in Germany. The Wiley deal is expected to cover and fund an anticipated 9,500 articles per year. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/project-deal-in-germany-reaches-agreement-with-springer-nature-66342. Archive access extends back to 1997 for all electronic Wiley journals. The cost to publish an article open access is approximately $3,050 US, which is paid centrally by the academic institutions responsible for the article. https://authorservices.wiley.com/author-resources/Journal-Authors/open-access/affiliation-policies-payments/german-projekt-deal-agreement.html

“On a practical level, researchers in Germany will find publishing their papers open access much simpler, says Frank Sander, head of the Max Planck Digital Library Services (MPDL Services), a company in Munich, Germany, formed to manage the Project DEAL contracts. Instead of researchers paying open‐access fees to a journal covered by the agreement, MPDL Services will pay. MPDL Services will then bill the authors’ institution. This arrangement, which was set up to support the earlier Project Deal agreement with Wiley, means German funding for publications will shift from libraries to research institutions, he notes.” https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/08/more-700-german-research-institutions-strike-open-access-deal-springer-nature

“With Wiley, we found a publisher on the other side of the table that was willing to make this transition [to open access] in partnership with us,” says Gerard Meijer, a molecular physicist at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society and a member of the DEAL negotiations team. “We consider the contract with Wiley as a blueprint for the contracts that are going to follow.”

“We believe [these deals are] the right thing to do on behalf of our community,” says Judy Verses, the executive vice president of research at Wiley. “Researchers in our community have made clear that open research and open access is a critical part of the future.” According to Verses, Wiley is currently in active discussions for new licensing deals with consortia in other countries, including in the US. https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/as-elsevier-falters--wiley-succeeds-in-open-access-deal-making-65664

To be eligible:

  • You must publish open access in one of Wiley's fully open access journals (such as JACMP ) or a subscription journal that offers OnlineOpen (hybrid journal) (such as Medical Physics )
  • You must be the responsible corresponding author and affiliated with a publicly or privately funded German research institution entitled under Projekt DEAL at the point of acceptance
  • The affiliation you select during submission must be stated on the published paper
  • All primary research and review articles qualify
  • Wiley Open Access Accounts cannot be used to cover additional charges (e.g., cover, color, and page charges), which individual journals administer separately.


The Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association has some reservations, which they discuss in the context of Plan S, but which applies equally to Project DEAL. (See my previous editorial on Plan S in the JACMP March 2019 issue.)

OASPA’s main concern relating to Plan S, however, is that discussions and solutions continue to be focused on the largest, mixed‐model publishers. While it is this segment of the market on which funders’ attention — and spend — is concentrated, the vast majority of publishers within the so‐called “Long Tail” (the majority of OASPA’s members) appear to be absent from the focus of Plan S. Many of these publishers are too small to negotiate the kind of “transformative” national Big Deals we are seeing for the largest publishers, while exclusively open access publishers without legacy subscription businesses are also unable to participate. Many are not even of sufficient size to make agreements directly with institutions. https://oaspa.org/oaspa-feedback-on-plan-s-implementation-guidance/

What does this mean for the JACMP ? It is likely that consortiums such as Project Deal will continue to flourish and become a larger part of the landscape. This will continue to put pressure on the print/subscription/print advertising business model of traditional journals. Published by a world’s leading publisher, the JACMP is well positioned to take advantage of such consortium deals in the short term. We may see large library systems in the US, such as the Universities of California, Texas, New York, and Florida show interest in such deals in the near future. There may even be a national US initiative, although it is not certain how that would emerge. Such deals have the potential of increasing interest in open access publishing, both because the authors would no longer be responsible for the article publication charge (APC), but also because such sweeping deals would bring higher revenue to journals with an APC lower than the negotiated cost per article. Both would benefit the JACMP .

The idea of a clinical medical physics journal that was published open access and successful first presented itself to me in November of 1997, when I was 45. I am finishing this editorial on my 68th birthday. I am grateful to have lived to see the day!

Finally, please view this twitter link for the JACMP 20th Anniversary Social Media Campaign: https://twitter.com/hashtag/JACMP20?src=hashtag_click&f=live




看到世界朝着我们的方向前进时,开放获取运动的先驱们感到欣慰,并且有些放心。在过去的几年中,一些国家研究机构和图书馆的财团,特别是瑞典,荷兰,挪威,匈牙利和德国,已经与包括Wiley,Springer和Elsevier在内的领先电子期刊出版社开始了谈判。这篇社论重点介绍了德国较为成功的一项计划,即DEAL项目(Projekt DEAL)。这项工作的目标是重写全国范围内电子期刊内容许可协议。根据这些谈判的条款,德国的科学家将可以立即和完全在线访问出版商期刊的大部分电子内容。作为交换,德国作者的出版费用将得到补贴,并且他们的所有文章将立即以开放获取的方式出版。这种“发布和阅读”模型使所有文章都可以通过网络访问,任何人都可以使用,此外,作者可以访问出版商的所有电子期刊,包括档案。


“在实践上,德国的研究人员会发现以开放获取的方式发布论文要容易得多,”位于德国慕尼黑的Max Planck数字图书馆服务(MPDL Services)负责人弗兰克·桑德(Frank Sander)说,该公司旨在管理Project DEAL合同。MPDL服务将代替研究人员向协议涵盖的期刊支付开放获取费用。然后,MPDL服务将向作者机构收费。他指出,这项安排是为了支持与Wiley早些时候达成的项目协议,这意味着德国的出版物经费将从图书馆转移到研究机构。” https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2019/08/more-700-german-research-institutions-strike-open-access-deal-springer-nature

“与Wiley一起,我们在桌子的另一边找到了一家发行商,愿意与我们合作进行这种[向开放获取的转变],”马克斯·普朗克学会弗里兹·哈伯研究所的分子物理学家Gerard Meijer说以及DEAL谈判小组的成员。“我们认为与Wiley签订的合同是将要遵循的合同的蓝图。”

“我们认为[这些交易]代表我们的社区做对了事,” Wiley研究执行副总裁Judy Verses说。“我们社区的研究人员已经明确表示,开放研究和开放获取是未来的关键部分。” 根据Verses的说法,Wiley目前正在与包括美国在内的其他国家/地区的财团积极讨论新的许可协议。https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/as-elsevier-falters--wiley-succeeds-in-open-access-deal-making-65664


  • 您必须在Wiley的完全开放访问期刊之一(例如JACMP)或提供OnlineOpen的订阅期刊(混合日记本)(例如Medical Physics)中发布开放访问。
  • 您必须是负责任的通讯作者,并在接受时隶属于根据Projekt DEAL授权的公共或私人资助的德国研究机构
  • 您在提交过程中选择的从属关系必须在已发表的论文中说明
  • 所有主要研究和评论文章均符合条件
  • Wiley Open Access帐户不能用于支付额外费用(例如,封面,彩色和页面费用),这些费用由各个期刊单独管理。


开放存取学术出版商协会有一些保留意见,他们在计划S的背景下进行了讨论,但同样适用于DEAL项目。(请参阅我先前在2019年3月的JACMP上有关Plan S的社论。)

但是,OASPA与计划S有关的主要问题是,讨论和解决方案继续集中在最大的混合模型发行商上。尽管这个市场部分集中了资助者的注意力和支出,但所谓的“长尾”(绝大多数OASPA会员)中的绝大多数发行人似乎都没有计划的重点。 S.这些发行商很多,规模太小,无法就最大的发行商进行那种“转型”的全国性大交易,而没有传统订阅业务的专有开放访问发行商也无法参与。许多人甚至没有足够的规模直接与机构达成协议。https://oaspa.org/oaspa-feedback-on-plan-s-implementation-guidance/

这对JACMP意味着什么?诸如Project Deal之类的财团很可能会继续蓬勃发展,并成为更大的一部分。这将继续给传统期刊的印刷/订阅/印刷广告商业模式带来压力。由世界领先的出版商JACMP发行在短期内可以很好地利用此类财团交易的优势。我们可能会看到美国的大型图书馆系统,例如加利福尼亚大学,德克萨斯州大学,纽约大学和佛罗里达大学在不久的将来对此类交易表现出兴趣。美国甚至可能有一项全国性的倡议,尽管尚不确定如何产生。这样的交易有可能引起人们对开放获取出版兴趣的增加,这不仅是因为作者将不再负责文章出版费用(APC),而且还因为这样的全面交易将使APC低于议定价格的期刊带来更高的收入每篇文章的费用。两者都会使JACMP受益。


最后,请查看此JACMP 20周年社交媒体活动的Twitter链接:https://twitter.com/hashtag/JACMP20?src=hashtag_click&f=live
