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The role of honey hunting in supporting subsistence livelihoods in Sumbawa, Indonesia
Geographical Research ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-10-30 , DOI: 10.1111/1745-5871.12380
Cooper Schouten 1 , David Lloyd 1 , Ida Ansharyani 2 , Mimi Salminah 1 , Douglas Somerville 1 , Kerrie Stimpson 1

Honey from the giant Asian honey bee (Apis dorsata) has been harvested by communities throughout Southeast Asia for centuries. In Indonesia, 80 per cent of the national supply of honey comes from Sumbawa; however, there is limited information regarding the sustainability and importance of honey hunting in supporting rural livelihoods. This study used semi‐structured interviews and questionnaires to examine honey hunting and forest honey production in Sumbawa. It evaluates the economic and cultural importance, opportunities, and constraints of honey hunting and prompts us to suggest that income generation from honey plays a critical role in supporting rural communities. Of respondents, 83 per cent reported that income from honey was essential and accounts for 68 per cent of cash income. Yet honey hunters were harvesting using destructive methods under dangerous conditions and are subject to unpredictable market prices and fluctuating yields. Unlike situations in other areas of Indonesia, no system of customary law was found to exist that defines ownership of honey trees and the right to harvest from them. Limited access to market information, high moisture content of honey, and limited training and extension services were identified as key constraints. Future research exploring the sustainability of harvesting practices and mechanisms for improving profitability of honey hunters would be valuable.



来自亚洲巨型蜜蜂的蜂蜜(Apis dorsata)已经被整个东南亚的社区收割了数百年。在印度尼西亚,全国蜂蜜供应的80%来自Sumbawa。但是,关于蜂蜜狩猎在支持农村生计方面的可持续性和重要性的信息很少。这项研究采用半结构化访谈和问卷调查的方式来调查Sumbawa的蜂蜜狩猎和森林蜂蜜产量。它评估了蜂蜜狩猎的经济和文化重要性,机会和限制,并促使我们提出蜂蜜的创收在支持农村社区方面发挥着关键作用。在受访者中,有83%的人报告说,蜂蜜的收入至关重要,占现金收入的68%。然而,蜂蜜猎人在危险的条件下使用破坏性方法进行收获,并且受到市场价格无法预测和产量波动的影响。与印度尼西亚其他地区的情况不同,没有发现习惯法制度来定义蜜树的所有权和从蜜树中采伐的权利。关键的制约因素是市场信息获取有限,蜂蜜中水分含量高以及培训和推广服务有限。未来研究收获方式和机制的可持续性以提高蜂蜜猎人的盈利能力将是有价值的。关键的制约因素是市场信息获取有限,蜂蜜中水分含量高以及培训和推广服务有限。未来研究收获方式和机制的可持续性以提高蜂蜜猎人的盈利能力将是有价值的。关键的制约因素是市场信息获取有限,蜂蜜中水分含量高以及培训和推广服务有限。未来研究收获方式和机制的可持续性以提高猎人的盈利能力将是有价值的。