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Incorporating historical two‐arm data in clinical trials with binary outcome: A practical approach
Pharmaceutical Statistics ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/pst.2023
Manuel Feißt 1 , Johannes Krisam 1 , Meinhard Kieser 1

The feasibility of a new clinical trial may be increased by incorporating historical data of previous trials. In the particular case where only data from a single historical trial are available, there exists no clear recommendation in the literature regarding the most favorable approach. A main problem of the incorporation of historical data is the possible inflation of the type I error rate. A way to control this type of error is the so‐called power prior approach. This Bayesian method does not “borrow” the full historical information but uses a parameter 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1 to determine the amount of borrowed data. Based on the methodology of the power prior, we propose a frequentist framework that allows incorporation of historical data from both arms of two‐armed trials with binary outcome, while simultaneously controlling the type I error rate. It is shown that for any specific trial scenario a value δ > 0 can be determined such that the type I error rate falls below the prespecified significance level. The magnitude of this value of δ depends on the characteristics of the data observed in the historical trial. Conditionally on these characteristics, an increase in power as compared to a trial without borrowing may result. Similarly, we propose methods how the required sample size can be reduced. The results are discussed and compared to those obtained in a Bayesian framework. Application is illustrated by a clinical trial example.



通过合并先前试验的历史数据,可以增加新的临床试验的可行性。在只有一次历史试验数据可用的特殊情况下,文献中没有关于最有利方法的明确建议。合并历史数据的主要问题是I型错误率可能会膨胀。控制此类错误的一种方法是所谓的先验功率方法。这种贝叶斯方法不会“借用”全部历史信息,而是使用参数0≤δ≤1来确定借入的数据量。基于先验先验的方法,我们提出了一个常客制框架,该框架允许合并具有二进制结果的两臂试验的两个方面的历史数据,同时控制I型错误率。结果表明,对于任何特定的试验方案,可以确定δ> 0的值,以使I型错误率降至预先指定的显着性水平以下。δ值的大小取决于历史试验中观察到的数据的特征。有条件地根据这些特征,与没有借阅的试验相比,可能会导致功率增加。同样,我们提出了一些方法来减少所需的样本量。讨论了结果并将其与在贝叶斯框架中获得的结果进行比较。通过临床试验实例说明了该应用。δ值的大小取决于历史试验中观察到的数据的特征。有条件地根据这些特征,与没有借阅的试验相比,可能会导致功率增加。同样,我们提出了如何减少所需样本量的方法。讨论了结果并将其与在贝叶斯框架中获得的结果进行比较。通过临床试验实例说明了该应用。δ值的大小取决于历史试验中观察到的数据的特征。有条件地根据这些特征,与没有借阅的试验相比,可能会导致功率增加。同样,我们提出了一些方法来减少所需的样本量。讨论了结果并将其与在贝叶斯框架中获得的结果进行比较。通过临床试验实例说明了该应用。