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Transmitter Effects on Growth and Survival of Forster's Tern Chicks
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-30 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21864
Mark P. Herzog 1 , Joshua T. Ackerman 1 , C. Alex Hartman 1 , Sarah H. Peterson 1

Radio‐telemetry is a commonly used scientific technique that allows researchers to collect detailed movement, habitat use, and survival data of animals; however, evidence indicates that using telemetry can affect behavior and survival. Using multiple breeding colonies and years, we investigated the effects of attached radio‐transmitters on growth and survival of Forster's tern (Sterna forsteri) chicks in San Francisco Bay, California, USA, 2010–2011. We tested these potential effects at isolated islands that allowed for high re‐capture rates (typically >85%) in radio‐marked and banded‐only chicks. Modeled Gompertz growth curves suggested that transmitters had a small negative effect on some of the asymptotic growth parameters of tern chicks; tarsus (−1.5 ± 0.7% [SE]), culmen (−1.7 ± 1.2%), and wing (−4.9 ± 2.0%) lengths were shorter for radio‐marked chicks compared to banded‐only chicks. In contrast, there was no difference in asymptotic mass between radio‐marked chicks and banded‐only chicks. Survival from hatching to fledging was lower for radio‐marked chicks than banded‐only chicks during 2010 (banded‐only = 0.313 ± 0.162 vs. radio‐marked = 0.250 ± 0.165) and 2011 (0.193 ± 0.030 vs. 0.123 ± 0.027). Most of the transmitter effect occurred within the first week after hatching, rather than in older chicks. Notably, the effect of transmitters on chick survival was primarily additive, indicating that the effect of transmitters on radio‐marked chicks was not influenced by other ecological covariates. Given the effect radio‐transmitters had on survival did not change across temporal or ecological gradients, transmitters can still be used to evaluate ecological factors affecting survival and timing of mortality and radio‐marked birds can be used to make inferences to the general population. Published 2020. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.



无线电遥测是一种常用的科学技术,可让研究人员收集动物的详细运动,栖息地使用和生存数据。但是,有证据表明使用遥测会影响行为和生存。使用多个繁殖殖民地和年份,我们研究了附着的无线电发射体对福斯特燕鸥(Sterna forsteri)生长和存活的影响。)2010-2011年,美国加利福尼亚州旧金山湾的小鸡。我们在孤立的孤岛上测试了这些潜在影响,这些孤岛允许放射性标记和仅带条纹的小鸡获得较高的重新捕获率(通常> 85%)。模拟的Gompertz生长曲线表明,发射器对燕鸥小鸡的某些渐近生长参数具有较小的负面影响。与有条带的雏鸡相比,放射性标记雏鸡的架(−1.5±0.7%[SE]),狭缝(−1.7±1.2%)和翅(−4.9±2.0%)的长度要短。相反,放射性标记的雏鸡和仅带状的雏鸡之间的渐近质量没有差异。在2010年(仅带状= 0.313±0.162 vs.带放射性标记= 0.250±0.165)和2011年(0.193±0.030对0.123±0.027),放射性标记的雏鸡从孵化到出雏的存活率低于仅带条纹的雏鸡。大部分递质效应发生在孵化后的第一周内,而不是成年幼鸡。值得注意的是,发射机对雏鸡存活的影响主要是累加的,表明发射机对放射性标记的雏鸡的影响不受其他生态协变量的影响。鉴于无线电发射机对生存的影响不会随时间或生态梯度变化,因此仍然可以使用发射机来评估影响生存和死亡时间的生态因素,并且可以使用带有放射性标记的鸟类推断普通人群。出版于2020年。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。指出发射机对带放射性标记的雏鸡的影响不受其他生态协变量的影响。鉴于无线电发射机对生存的影响不会随时间或生态梯度变化,因此仍然可以使用发射机来评估影响生存和死亡时间的生态因素,并且可以使用带有放射性标记的鸟类推断普通人群。出版于2020年。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。指出发射机对带放射性标记的雏鸡的影响不受其他生态协变量的影响。鉴于无线电发射机对生存的影响不会随时间或生态梯度变化,因此仍然可以使用发射机来评估影响生存和死亡时间的生态因素,并且可以使用带有放射性标记的鸟类推断普通人群。出版于2020年。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。发射机仍然可以用来评估影响生存和死亡时间的生态因素,放射性标记的鸟类也可以用来推断普通人群。出版于2020年。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。发射机仍然可以用来评估影响生存和死亡时间的生态因素,放射性标记的鸟类也可以用来推断普通人群。出版于2020年。本文是美国政府的工作,在美国属于公共领域。