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Dogs Detect Larger Wind Energy Effects on Bats and Birds
Journal of Wildlife Management ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-26 , DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21863
K. Shawn Smallwood 1 , Douglas A. Bell 2 , Skye Standish 3

As wind turbine‐caused mortality of birds and bats increases with increasing wind energy capacity, accurate fatality estimates are needed to assess effects, identify collision factors, and formulate mitigation. Finding a larger proportion of collision victims reduces the magnitude of adjustment for the proportion not found, thus reducing opportunities for bias. We tested detection dogs in trials of bat and small‐bird carcasses placed randomly in routine fatality monitoring at the Buena Vista and Golden Hills Wind Energy projects, California, USA, 2017. Of trial carcasses placed and confirmed available before next‐day fatality searches, dogs detected 96% of bats and 90% of small birds, whereas humans at a neighboring wind project detected 6% of bats and 30% of small birds. At Golden Hills dogs found 71 bat fatalities in 55 searches compared to 1 bat found by humans in 69 searches within the same search plots over the same season. Dog detection rates of trial carcasses remained unchanged with distance from turbine, and dogs found more fatalities than did humans at greater distances from turbines. Patterns of fatalities found by dogs within search plots indicated 20% of birds and 4–14% of bats remained undetected outside search plots at Buena Vista and Golden Hills. Dogs also increased estimates of carcass persistence by finding detection trial carcasses that the trial administrator had erroneously concluded were removed. Compared to human searches, dog searches resulted in fatality estimates up to 6.4 and 2.7 times higher for bats and small birds, respectively, along with higher relative precision and >90% lower cost per fatality detection. © 2020 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.



随着风力涡轮机导致的鸟和蝙蝠的死亡率随着风能容量的增加而增加,因此需要准确的死亡率估算来评估影响,识别碰撞因素并制定缓解措施。寻找更大比例的碰撞受害者减少了对未找到比例的调整幅度,从而减少了偏见的机会。我们在2017年美国加利福尼亚州的Buena Vista和Golden Hills Wind Energy项目的常规死亡率监测中随机放置的蝙蝠和小鸟尸体试验中测试了检测犬。在第二天的死亡率搜索之前,已放置并确认可用的试验尸体,狗发现了96%的蝙蝠和90%的小鸟,而附近风力发电项目的人类发现了6%的蝙蝠和30%的小鸟。在Golden Hills,狗在55次搜索中发现71头蝙蝠死亡,而同一季节在相同搜索范围内,人类在69次搜索中发现1只蝙蝠。距涡轮机的距离,试验尸体的狗检出率保持不变,并且距涡轮机的距离较远的人,发现的死亡人数比人类多。狗在搜索区发现的死亡模式表明,在Buena Vista和Golden Hills的搜索区外,未发现20%的鸟类和4–14%的蝙蝠。通过发现试验管理者错误得出的检测尸体,狗还增加了尸体持久性的估计。与人类搜索相比,狗搜索导致蝙蝠和小型鸟类的死亡估计分别高出6.4和2.7倍,并且相对精度更高,并且> 每次死亡检测的成本降低90%。©2020作者。的Wiley Periodicals,Inc.代表野生动物协会出版的《野生动物管理杂志》。