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Animal experimentation in transgenesis: evaluating course design in large classrooms.
FEBS Open Bio ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: 10.1002/2211-5463.12846
Jean-François Bodart 1 , Aurélie Dupré 2

Teachers are guided by an ethical code of conduct. Teacher behavior can be perceived as normative and can set standards; for example, in the field of animal experimentation. The importance of ethical standards raises the question of its transmission. This survey addressed the relevance of using large amphitheater teaching groups to educate students on the ethical aspects of animal experimentation. A course was built to include interactivity sequences to gather feedback from students about moral dilemmas or assertions about animal experimentation. To that end, surveys were conducted on third‐year students, prior to the course, shortly after the course and at the end of the academic year. Students were asked to indicate whether the experimental protocols were satisfactory. Before the course, few students reported ethical dimensions in the proposed protocols; animals were considered scientific objects, not sentient beings. The situation was noticeably different for students on courses with an emphasis on the animal as the unit of study. Although large classrooms are not considered to be relevant places to question ethical issues, the proportion of students discussing ethical aspects of protocols increased shortly after the lecture, and this increased at the end of the academic year. These observations suggest that the effect of teaching on ethical considerations was sustainable despite the lectures being performed in a large classroom.



教师应遵守道德操守准则。教师的行为可以被认为是规范性的,可以设定标准;例如,在动物实验领域。道德标准的重要性提出了其传播的问题。这项调查解决了使用大型圆形剧场教学小组对动物实验的道德方面进行教育的相关性。建立了包含互动序列的课程,以收集学生关于道德困境或关于动物实验的主张的反馈。为此,在课程开始前,课程结束后不久和学年末对三年级学生进行了调查。要求学生指出实验方案是否令人满意。课程开始前 很少有学生在拟议的方案中报告了道德方面的问题;动物被认为是科学对象,而不是有情生物。对于以动物为学习单元的课程,学生的情况明显不同。尽管不认为大型教室是质疑道德问题的相关场所,但是在讲课后不久,讨论规程道德方面问题的学生比例有所增加,并且在学年末有所增加。这些观察结果表明,尽管在大型教室中进行演讲,但教学对道德考量的影响是可持续的。尽管不认为大型教室是质疑道德问题的相关场所,但是在讲课后不久,讨论规程道德方面问题的学生比例有所增加,并且在学年末有所增加。这些观察结果表明,尽管在大型教室中进行演讲,但教学对道德考量的影响是可持续的。尽管不认为大型教室是质疑道德问题的相关场所,但是在讲课后不久,讨论规程道德方面问题的学生比例有所增加,并且在学年末有所增加。这些观察结果表明,尽管在大型教室中进行演讲,但教学对道德考量的影响是可持续的。