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Female concave‐eared torrent frogs prefer smaller males
Journal of Zoology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12775
F. Zhang 1 , C. Yuan 1 , A. S. Feng 2

Mate choice is a natural selection mechanism whereby the traits of select members of a population are passed on to their offspring. We hypothesized that, for stream‐dwelling anurans, females might prefer males with smaller body size and higher call frequency as their vocal calls are more conspicuous in the species’ habitat featuring intense but predominantly low‐frequency stream noise. To test this hypothesis, we first measured the body size of amplectant male concave‐eared torrent frogs (Odorrana tormota) in the field, a species with demonstrated ability of ultrasonic communication. Our field observation showed that, on average, amplectant males had smaller body size compared to that of non‐amplectant males (P < 0.05), an unusual finding among anurans. We next performed two‐choice amplexus experiments by pairing a female with two males in an aquarium indoors. Results of laboratory experiments similarly revealed female’s preference for males with smaller body sizes. Additionally, we recorded and analyzed the advertisement calls of 33 males and confirmed that their call frequency was inversely related to the body size as expected. Together, our studies showed that, for O. tormota, smaller males with higher call frequencies had higher mating success over bigger rivals, that is, females prefer smaller males.



伴侣选择是一种自然选择机制,通过这种选择机制,种群中某些选定成员的特征会传给其后代。我们假设,对于居住在河中的无尾类动物,雌性可能更喜欢体型较小且呼叫频率较高的雄性,因为它们的声音在该物种的栖息地中更为明显,其特征是强烈但主要是低频的河声。为了验证这一假设,我们首先在野外测量了两栖雄性凹耳山洪蛙(Odorrana tormota)的体型,该物种具有超声通讯能力。我们的现场观察表明,平均而言,两性相较于非两性相较的男性,男性的身材要小(P <0.05),这是无色动物中的不寻常发现。接下来,我们通过在室内水族箱中将雌性和雄性配对成对,进行了两项选择的困惑实验。实验室实验的结果类似地表明,女性偏爱体型较小的男性。此外,我们记录并分析了33名男性的广告致电,并确认他们的致电频率与预期的体重成反比。在一起,我们的研究表明,对于 大盘O,呼叫频率较高的较小雄性比较大竞争者具有更高的交配成功率,也就是说,雌性偏爱较小的雄性。