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Smaller does not mean worse: variation of roe deer antlers from two distant populations in their mechanical and structural properties and mineral profile
Journal of Zoology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-28 , DOI: 10.1111/jzo.12764
J. Cappelli 1, 2 , F. Ceacero 3 , T. Landete‐Castillejos 1, 2, 4 , L. Gallego 1 , A. García 1, 2, 4

Antler size, structure, composition and mechanics have been shown to reflect nutrition, climate and body effects in red deer, but studies have only assessed effects on size in the roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Roe deer show little sexual dimorphism, lower inter‐male fighting and could form groups during part of the year but does not form harems, in contrast to red deer. Thus, it is interesting to assess how nutrition and habitat affects investment in antlers as compared to red deer. Antlers were collected from adult males of two game estates differing in location, climate and management: 13 from the south‐east of Spain (mild winter, hot summer, dry habitat and rich supplementary feeding), and 10 specimens came from central‐southern part of the Czech Republic (snowy winter, mild summer, humid habitat and limited supplementary feeding). After measuring whole‐antler parameters, a destructive sampling was performed to obtain a full‐transversal section and cortical bone samples from two sampling position along the main beam. Then bone structure, mechanical properties (three‐point bending test, impact test) and the mineral profile were studied. Roe deer from Spain had heavier and longer antlers than Czech roe deer. Their bone material had a higher mechanical quality, although Czech roe deer compensated by developing antlers with thicker walls. Mineral composition also differs, particularly by greater contents in Czech antlers in 3 minerals associated with nutrient stress: Fe, K and Zn. We concluded that the differences found between populations may be caused by differences in habitat quality and diet, in a similar way as reported for red deer, despite interspecific differences. Our study suggests that habitat affects antler parameters and, as previous results in red deer, suggests that improving diet quality may affect size, composition and mechanical quality of antler material. Certainly, antlers of roe deer provide information useful for population management.



鹿茸的大小,结构,组成和力学表现出能反映马鹿的营养,气候和身体影响,但研究仅评估了对on的大小的影响(Capreolus capreolus)。与红鹿相反,没有一点两性异性,较低的雄性间战斗,可以在一年的一部分期间形成群体,但不构成后宫。因此,与马鹿相比,评估营养和栖息地对鹿角投资的影响很有趣。鹿角是从位置,气候和管理不同的两个游戏场的成年雄性动物中采集的:西班牙东南部有13个(冬季温和,夏季炎热,干燥的栖息地和丰富的辅助喂养),中部南部有10个标本捷克共和国(冬季多雪,夏季温和,栖息地潮湿且补充营养有限)。在测量整个鹿角参数之后,进行了破坏性采样,以从沿主光束的两个采样位置获得完整横截面和皮质骨样本。然后是骨骼结构 研究了机械性能(三点弯曲试验,冲击试验)和矿物剖面。来自西班牙的鹿比捷克Czech鹿具有更重,更长的鹿角。他们的骨头材料具有较高的机械质量,尽管捷克developing通过发展壁更厚的鹿角来弥补。矿物质成分也有所不同,特别是捷克鹿角中与营养胁迫相关的3种矿物质中的含量更高:Fe,K和Zn。我们得出的结论是,尽管种间存在差异,但种群之间发现的差异可能是由于栖息地质量和饮食的差异所致,与报告的马鹿类似。我们的研究表明,栖息地会影响鹿角参数,正如先前对马鹿的研究结果所表明的那样,改善饮食质量可能会影响鹿角材料的大小,组成和机械质量。当然,