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QTL analysis of shoot elongation before winter in relation to vernalization requirement in the doubled haploid population L16 × Express617 (Brassica napus L.)
Euphytica ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10681-020-02604-y
Mohammad Ghanbari , Madhuri Paul , Christian Möllers

In winter oilseed rape shoot elongation before winter is considered as a critical component of the complex trait winter hardiness. Genotypes with an enhanced shoot length before winter are very much prone to frost damage. However, it is not known to which extent shoot elongation before winter is related to vernalization requirement. Shoot length measured 3 months after sowing of winter oilseed rape in spring has been shown to be a good quantitative estimator for vernalization requirement. The main objective of this study was to analyze inheritance of shoot elongation before winter and in spring-sown field experiments using a doubled haploid population derived from the cross between two inbred lines. A SNP based molecular marker map was used to map QTL for shoot length and flowering time. Significant genotypic effects were detected for shoot length before winter and in the spring-sown environment, but there was no correlation between both traits. Six QTL for shoot length before winter contributed 49.2% to the phenotypic variance. For shoot length in the spring-sown environment three QTL were detected that explained 68% of the phenotypic variance. Flowering time genes CONSTANS (BnaC09g41980D), FLC (BnaC09g42060D) and FT (BnaA02g12130D) were identified within C09 and A02 QTL confidence intervals. No collocation of QTL for shoot length before winter and for shoot length in the spring-sown environment was found. Results show that selection for reduced shoot length before winter would be effective and that this trait is inherited largely independent of vernalization requirement.


双单倍体群体L16×Express617(Brassica napus L.)冬前枝条伸长与春化需求相关的QTL分析

在冬季,油菜籽冬季前的芽伸长被认为是复杂性状冬季抗寒性的关键组成部分。冬季前枝条长度增加的基因型很容易受到霜害。然而,冬季前的枝条伸长与春化要求有关的程度尚不清楚。在春季播种冬季油菜 3 个月后测量的枝条长度已被证明是春化需求的良好定量估计值。本研究的主要目的是使用源自两个自交系杂交的双单倍体种群分析冬季前和春播田间试验中枝条伸长的遗传。使用基于 SNP 的分子标记图绘制枝条长度和开花时间的 QTL。在冬季前和春播环境中检测到枝条长度的显着基因型效应,但两种性状之间没有相关性。冬季前茎长的6个QTL对表型变异的贡献为49.2%。对于春播环境中的枝条长度,检测到三个 QTL,可以解释 68% 的表型变异。在 C09 和 A02 QTL 置信区间内鉴定了开花时间基因 CONSTANS (BnaC09g41980D)、FLC (BnaC09g42060D) 和 FT (BnaA02g12130D)。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。但是这两个特征之间没有相关性。冬季前枝条长度的 6 个 QTL 对表型变异的贡献为 49.2%。对于春播环境中的枝条长度,检测到三个 QTL,可以解释 68% 的表型变异。在 C09 和 A02 QTL 置信区间内鉴定了开花时间基因 CONSTANS (BnaC09g41980D)、FLC (BnaC09g42060D) 和 FT (BnaA02g12130D)。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。但是这两个特征之间没有相关性。冬季前茎长的6个QTL对表型变异的贡献为49.2%。对于春播环境中的枝条长度,检测到三个 QTL,可以解释 68% 的表型变异。在 C09 和 A02 QTL 置信区间内鉴定了开花时间基因 CONSTANS (BnaC09g41980D)、FLC (BnaC09g42060D) 和 FT (BnaA02g12130D)。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。对于春播环境中的枝条长度,检测到三个 QTL,可以解释 68% 的表型变异。在 C09 和 A02 QTL 置信区间内鉴定了开花时间基因 CONSTANS (BnaC09g41980D)、FLC (BnaC09g42060D) 和 FT (BnaA02g12130D)。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。对于春播环境中的枝条长度,检测到三个 QTL,可以解释 68% 的表型变异。在 C09 和 A02 QTL 置信区间内鉴定了开花时间基因 CONSTANS (BnaC09g41980D)、FLC (BnaC09g42060D) 和 FT (BnaA02g12130D)。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。未发现冬前苗长和春播环境苗长QTL的搭配。结果表明,在冬季之前选择减少枝条长度是有效的,并且该特性的遗传在很大程度上与春化要求无关。