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The use of macroinvertebrate based biotic indices and diversity indices to evaluate the water quality of Lepenci river basin in Kosovo.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-25 , DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2020.1738172
Ferdije Zhushi Etemi 1 , Pajtim Bytyçi 2 , Murtezan Ismaili 2 , Osman Fetoshi 3 , Prespa Ymeri 4 , Albona Shala-Abazi 5 , Nesade Muja-Bajraktari 1 , Marton Czikkely 4

Benthic macroinvertebrates are used to evaluate water quality in 8 sampling stations in Lepenci river basin in Kosovo. Sampling was performed in spring, summer and fall 2017. Following biotic indices are used: EPT taxa richness, Biological Monitoring Working Party (BMWP), Average Score per Taxon (ASPT), Stroud Water Research Center index (SWRC), Family biotic index (FBI), as well as diversity indices: Shannon-Weaver index (H), Simpsons index (D), Hill's index (Hi), Mergalef index (DMe) and Menhicnik's index (DMa). Our results show the presence of 34 macroinvertebrate taxa in Lepenci river which belong to Insecta, Crustaceans and Annelidae. The water quality along the river show variation from high and good class upstream, to moderate, poor and bad, downstream. The Pearson's bivariate correlation used to analyze the relationship between physicochemical parameters with biotic and diversity indices showed a significant correlation (p < 0.01) of EC, TSS, O2, COD, BOD, NH4, and PO43- with biotic indices EPT, BMWP, ASPT, SWRC, FBI. We can conclude that the values of biotic and diversity indices have shown differences in water quality between polluted and unpolluted sites and reflect the ecological status of the river, therefore we can consider them as valuable tools for water quality assessment in rivers in Kosovo.



在科索沃Lepenci流域的8个采样站中,使用底栖大型无脊椎动物评估水质。采样于2017年春季,夏季和秋季进行。使用以下生物指数:EPT分类群丰富度,生物监测工作组(BMWP),每生物群平均得分(ASPT),斯特劳德水研究中心指数(SWRC),家庭生物指数(联邦调查局(FBI)以及多样性指数:香农-韦弗指数(H),辛普森指数(D),希尔氏指数(Hi),梅格勒夫指数(DMe)和孟希尼克指数(DMa)。我们的结果表明,在Lepenci河中存在34种大型无脊椎动物类群,它们属于昆虫纲,甲壳纲动物和安尼利德纲。沿河的水质从上游的高水准变化到下游的中度,差水和差水。皮尔逊 用于分析理化参数与生物和多样性指数之间关系的双变量相关性显示EC,TSS,O2,COD,BOD,NH4和PO43-与生物指数EPT,BMWP,ASPT有显着相关性(p <0.01), SWRC,FBI。我们可以得出结论,生物多样性指数的值显示出受污染和未受污染地点之间水质的差异,并反映了河流的生态状况,因此我们可以将它们视为科索沃河流水质评估的宝贵工具。