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Convolutional Neural Networks vs. Deformable Image Registration For Medical Slice Interpolation
arXiv - CS - Other Computer Science Pub Date : 2020-04-28 , DOI: arxiv-2004.13784
Dilip Kumar Verma, Ahmadreza Baghaie

Medical image slice interpolation is an active field of research. The methods for this task can be categorized into two broad groups: intensity-based and object-based interpolation methods. While intensity-based methods are generally easier to perform and less computationally expensive, object-based methods are capable of producing more accurate results and account for deformable changes in the objects within the slices. In this paper, performance of two well-known object-based interpolation methods is analyzed and compared. Here, a deformable registration-based method specifically designed for medical applications and a learning-based method, trained for video frame interpolation, are considered. While the deformable registration-based technique is capable of accurate modeling of the changes in the shapes of the objects within slices, the learning-based method is able to produce results with similar accuracy, but with a much sharper appearance in a fraction of the time. This is despite the fact that the learning-based approach is not trained on medical images and rather is trained using regular video footage. However, experiments show that the method is capable of accurate slice interpolation results.


