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Performance of silver nanoparticle-impregnated ovoid ceramic water filters
Environmental Science: Nano ( IF 5.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-30 , DOI: 10.1039/d0en00115e
Zachary J. Shepard 1, 2, 3, 4 , Elizabeth M. Lux 1, 2, 3, 4 , Vinka A. Oyanedel-Craver 1, 2, 3, 4

A ceramic water filter (CWF) with curved (ovoid) walls has been developed by Potters without Borders, a nonprofit that provides technical assistance to CWF factories. Here, a modified version of the USEPA testing method was used to evaluate the performance of ovoid CWFs, which have yet to be studied in the literature. Filters with/without silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) were evaluated for bacterial removal, turbidity removal, flow rate, and silver leaching. Log removal values (LRVs) for Escherichia coli for AgNP coated CWFs were 9.5–10.9 LRV while uncoated achieved 8.0–9.8 LRV. All the CWFs tested here had flow rates between 0.8 and 1.3 L h−1. The turbidity of the influent was reduced by the filters throughout the general and challenge water conditions with removal of 9.1–90.9% and 99.3–99.8%, respectively. Silver-coated CWFs had a higher total effluent silver concentration compared to uncoated (coated CWFs had 74% more total silver leaching on average) and had an increased silver release during the challenge phase (35 ppb) compared to the general phase (13 ppb). The exterior wall coated with AgNPs was shown to leach silver off the ceramic using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, providing evidence that supports the recommendation to coat only the interior wall of CWFs with AgNPs. The procedure demonstrated utility as a reproducible performance testing technique. X-ray diffraction and mercury intrusion porosimetry were used to study the ceramic structure.



陶艺无国界公司开发了一种具有弯曲(卵形)壁的陶瓷滤水器(CWF),该非营利性组织为CWF工厂提供技术援助。在这里,使用USEPA测试方法的修改版来评估卵形CWF的性能,这在文献中尚待研究。评价具有/不具有银纳米颗粒(AgNP)的过滤器的细菌去除,浊度去除,流速和银浸出。用AgNP包被的CWF的大肠杆菌的对数清除值(LRV)为9.5–10.9 LRV,而未包被的达到8.0–9.8 LRV。此处测试的所有CWF的流量在0.8至1.3 L h -1之间。在一般和挑战性水质条件下,过滤器降低了进水的浊度,分别去除了9.1–90.9%和99.3–99.8%。与未涂覆的相比,涂覆银的CWF的总废水银浓度更高(涂覆的CWF的总银浸出平均高出74%),并且与常规阶段(13 ppb)相比,挑战阶段(35 ppb)的银释放增加。使用X射线光电子能谱显示,涂有AgNPs的外壁可从陶瓷中浸出银,这提供了支持建议仅使用AgNPs覆盖CWFs内壁的证据。该程序证明了它是可重复使用的性能测试技术。用X射线衍射和压汞法研究了陶瓷的结构。