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An Evaluation of the Global Effects of Tritium Emissions from Nuclear Fusion Power
Fusion Engineering and Design ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2020.111690
George Larsen , Dave Babineau

Abstract Tritium, like all hydrogen isotopes, is difficult to confine and easily diffuses through most materials. As currently planned, fusion power plants will process and handle large quantities of deuterium and tritium as fuel, and therefore, will become sources of tritium input into the environment. Tritium releases from a worldwide distribution of tritium sources (fusion or fission) will lead to higher tritium levels overall and have global impact. This report investigates the hydrologic partitioning of yearly tritium releases assuming 1 g/yr loss per 500 MW of nuclear power generation for varying scales of power generation. On large scales, it is found that the worldwide average levels of tritium could exceed some public health goals and regulatory guidelines. Tritium concentrations at such levels may also have other impacts on the environment through increased ion-pair generation.



摘要 氚与所有氢同位素一样,难以限制且容易扩散到大多数材料中。按照目前的计划,聚变发电厂将处理和处理大量的氘和氚作为燃料,因此将成为氚输入环境的来源。氚源(聚变或裂变)的全球分布释放的氚将导致总体氚水平升高并产生全球影响。本报告调查了每年氚释放的水文划分,假设每 500 兆瓦核发电损失 1 克/年,用于不同的发电规模。在大规模范围内,发现氚的全球平均水平可能超过某些公共卫生目标和监管指南。