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Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3401_12.x

Rick Sanderson of Gate to Plate Compliance asks should modern slavery be the price we pay for ‘affordable’ food? He reviews the performance of British food and beverage companies at meeting the requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

In October 2015 the Modern Slavery Act was passed, the first of its kind in Europe and one of the first in the world to specifically address slavery and trafficking in the 21st century.

The new legislation enhanced support and protection for victims and gave law enforcement the tools they need to target today's slave drivers and ensure perpetrators can be severely punished. Crucially it included provision to encourage businesses to take action to ensure their end‐to‐end supply chains are slavery free.

The legislation initially only applies to those companies headquartered in the UK with a turnover in excess of £36m. This threshold was chosen as an assessment of those businesses with enough significance of spend to influence their supply chain and the ability to cascade the intentions of the Act. As a bare minimum, the Act requires companies to produce a statement of how they are ensuring that their supply chain is slavery free.



门到门合规部的里克·桑德森(Rick Sanderson)提出,现代奴隶制应该成为我们为“负担得起的”食品付出的代价吗?他回顾了英国食品和饮料公司在满足《现代奴隶制法》要求方面的表现



