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Food Science and Technology Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1002/fsat.3401_16.x

Monitoring microbes in foods

This is the second edition of the book; the first was published in 1997 and revised in 1999, so this edition, as noted in the preface, is long overdue. The book is intended for anyone who requires information on ‘producing, using and interpreting microbiological criteria in the food and catering industries.’ Laboratory microbiologists, food safety professionals, R&D and product development staff will all find this a very valuable reference text.

It is divided into eight chapters and a reference list: Introduction, Factors Affecting the Microbiology of Foods, Sampling for Microbiological Testing, Considerations in Choosing Microbiological Test Methods, Food Categories, Microbiological Limits, Other Statutory Criteria, and an Appendix: Specific Microorganisms and the Principles of Test Methods.

It includes new sections on packaging, addressing Cronobacter, E. coli and STEC, for example. Relatively new concepts that were either not proposed, or in their infancy 20 + years ago, such as Food Safety Objectives, Performance Objectives and Performance Criteria, are discussed. The references are comprehensive and up to date. As to be expected, there is a heavy focus on standards and guidelines from ISO, ICMSF, EU, Codex, EFSA, HPA and Campden BRI sources, and a good selection of references are from 2015‐2019.

The book reads well and has a consistent style, for a multi‐author work which represents two different editorial teams from 2009 and 2018. Clear and simple explanations are given of key terms, for example, indicators, water activity, food safety hurdles. The layout is easy to follow, with short sections for easy reading and finding relevant information. The use of text boxes for key facts and terms could have increased the readability. The legislation section clearly lays out EU regulations on microbiological criteria in easy to read tables.


Listeria monocytogenes

It is often a tricky issue to determine best practice for sampling for microbiological testing; the book outlines the principles and practices of sampling in a clear and logical way. It also covers the potential pitfalls of microbiological testing and guidance on best practice. It is a useful reference guide for choosing a competent microbiology laboratory.

The book does not have a standard index; the contents list is comprehensive, with subheadings, enabling relevant sections to be found. In addition, chapter 6, on microbiological limits for food categories, is preceded by an index table to point the reader to the correct section; for example, bean sprouts in Index Table 6.3 leads to Table F, Raw and prepared vegetables, and Sous Vide to Table K, Chilled and frozen foods.

The book achieves its stated aims of providing ‘practical working guidance for those involved in producing, using and interpreting microbiological criteria in the food and catering industries.’ It functions as a reference book to dip into when required for help with setting criteria and also for reading whole sections, on for example, factors affecting microbiological growth in foods, or the background flora of particular food groups. Certainly, the first edition was a well‐thumbed text in all of the laboratories with which I have been associated and as a consultant to food industry clients. I can wholeheartedly recommend the second edition.


Authors Working Group Members 2009 – Peter McClure (Convenor), David Alexander, Chris Bell, Alec Kyriakides, Christine Little, and Working Group Members 2018 – Peter McClure (Convenor), John Bassett, Roy Betts, Ching Chan, Marianne Jones, Intisar Khan, Clare Menezes

Publisher Institute of Food Science and Technology (UK)

Price £100 non members, discounted to £50 for members

ISBN numbers

Print: 978‐1‐9163438‐0‐1,

Ebook: 978‐1‐9163438‐1‐8

Reviewer Peter W. Wareing

email pwareing.foodsafetyltd@gmail.com






它包括有关包装的新章节,例如针对克罗诺杆菌大肠杆菌和STEC的内容。讨论了相对较新的概念,例如食品安全目标,绩效目标和绩效标准,这些提议或未被提出,或者在20年前还处于婴儿期。这些参考文献是全面的和最新的。可以预料,ISO,ICMSF,EU,食典,EFSA,HPA和Campden BRI资料来源都高度重视标准和指南,并且从2015年至2019年都有大量参考文献可供选择。





这本书没有标准索引;内容列表是全面的,带有副标题,可以找到相关的部分。此外,在第6章“食品类别的微生物限量”之前,有一个索引表,以使读者指向正确的部分;例如,索引表6.3中的豆芽可导致表F,生蔬菜和预制蔬菜,表Sous Vide可导致表K,冷藏和冷冻食品。



作者 工作组成员2009 – Peter McClure(召集人),David Alexander,Chris Bell,Alec Kyriakides,Christine Little和工作组成员2018 – Peter McClure(召集者),John Bassett,Roy Betts,Ching Chan,Marianne Jones,Intisar Khan ,克莱尔·梅内塞斯(Clare Menezes)


价格£100个 非会员,打折到 £50 会员




审稿人Peter W.Wareing

