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Cost Effectiveness of Livestock Guardian Dogs for Predator Control
Wildlife Society Bulletin ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-06 , DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1063
Tina L. Saitone 1 , Ellen M. Bruno 2

Predation threatens the economic viability of sheep operations in the United States. Many producers recognize the need to complement lethal control methods with nonlethal strategies such as the use of livestock guardian dogs (LGDs), but little information exists on benefits and costs. We report on a comprehensive benefit–cost analysis of the decision to incorporate LGDs onto a sheep operation in Mendocino County, California, USA, based on data collected during 2013–2017, where livestock predation by coyotes (Canis latrans) has been a persistent problem. We estimated that for a representative sheep operation with a breeding flock of 500 adult females (ewes), the use of 5 LGDs reduced lambs and ewes lost to coyote predation by 43% and 25%, respectively, for a total savings of US$16,200 over 7 years. However, we found that costs, which included acquisition and maintenance expenses, exceed benefits of this investment over the 7‐year useful life of LGDs by US$13,413. Our results inform the adoption of LGDs, demonstrating that LGDs are only cost‐effective for certain types of operations, namely those where LGDs are able to achieve high rates of predator protection efficacy. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.



捕食威胁着美国绵羊业的经济生存能力。许多生产者认识到有必要用非致命策略补充致命控制方法,例如使用家畜监护犬(LGD),但关于收益和成本的信息很少。我们报告了基于将LGD纳入美国加利福尼亚州门多西诺县的绵羊养殖场的决定的全面成本收益分析,该决定基于2013-2017年间土狼(Canis latrans)一直存在。我们估计,对于具有500只成年雌性(母羊)繁殖群的代表性绵羊养殖场,使用5种LGD分别减少了因土狼捕食而损失的羔羊和母羊,分别减少了43%和25%,总共节省了16,200美元。 7年。但是,我们发现,包括购置和维护费用在内的成本在LGD的7年使用寿命中超出了这项投资的收益13,413美元。我们的结果为LGD的采用提供了依据,表明LGD仅对某些类型的操作具有成本效益,即LGD能够实现高水平的捕食者防护功效的操作。©2020野生动物协会。