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Spatio‐temporal variability of benthic macroalgae in a coral reef system highly influenced by fluvial discharge: Veracruz, Gulf of Mexico
Marine Ecology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-20 , DOI: 10.1111/maec.12596
Guillermo Horta‐Puga 1 , José Luis Tello‐Musi 2 , Alejandro Córdova 1 , Adriana Gutiérrez‐Carrillo 1 , Jhoan Gutiérrez-Martínez 1 , Aura Aletse Morales‐Aranda 1

The Veracruz Reef System, in the southern Gulf of Mexico, is a suitable area for the study of the temporal and spatial variability of macroalgae abundance, at reef settings influenced by the fluvial discharge of the Jamapa River, and by human activities in the city and port of Veracruz. With this purpose, the bottom cover of each morpho‐functional group of benthic macroalgae (frondoses, turf, and crustose corallines), and hermatypic corals, was determined at ten selected coral reefs, on a seasonal basis (rainy and dry seasons), for the 2009–2015 period. The average cover of benthic macroalgae was high (53.1%), with turf as the dominant morpho‐functional group (31.9%), as in several reef ecosystems in the tropical Atlantic, followed by crustose corallines (15.2%), and frondoses (6.1%). Although turf macroalgae is dominant, due to their high temporal and spatial variability, the Veracruz Reef System could not be considered to be in a stable state, but just in an intermediate unstable equilibrium state, which is highly influenced by a high sediment load. As expected, nearshore reefs presented higher macroalgae covers, and unexpectedly, the outer‐shelf reefs presented the highest cover of frondoses. Despite fluvial discharge influence, no differences in cover were found between the rainy and dry seasons. There was a negative and significantly correlation between the cover of frondoses and turf, which suggests that the driver/s of the abundance of these macroalgae, act in opposite ways for each group. Three clusters of reefs, defined by community structure and conservation degree, were determined: nearshore or degraded, offshore or moderately conserved, and conserved; and the entire Veracruz Reef System is considered to be in a moderately state of conservation.



墨西哥湾南部的韦拉克鲁斯礁石系统是研究大型藻类丰度的时空变化,受贾玛帕河河水流量以及城市居民活动影响的礁石环境的合适区域。韦拉克鲁斯港。为此,在季节性(雨季和雨季)的基础上,确定了十个选定的珊瑚礁的底栖大型藻类(果蝇,草皮和甲壳类珊瑚)以及抽血珊瑚的每个形态功能群的底盖, 2009-2015年期间。底栖大型藻类的平均覆盖率很高(53.1%),其中草皮是主要的形态功能群(31.9%),在热带大西洋的几个珊瑚礁生态系统中,其次是甲壳珊瑚线虫(15.2%)和浮游生物(6.1) %)。尽管草皮大型藻类占主导地位,由于其高的时空变化性,韦拉克鲁斯礁石系统不能被认为处于稳定状态,而只能处于中等不稳定的平衡状态,这受到高沉积物负荷的高度影响。不出所料,近岸珊瑚礁的大型藻类覆盖率更高,而出人意料的是,外礁礁的浮藻类覆盖率最高。尽管有河流排放的影响,雨季和旱季之间的覆盖率没有差异。叶状体和草皮的覆盖率之间存在负相关且显着相关,这表明这些大型藻类丰度的驱动因素对每个组的作用均相反。确定了由群落结构和保护程度定义的三个珊瑚礁群:近岸或退化的,近海或中度保护的和保护的;