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Determination of crop coefficients and spatial distribution of evapotranspiration and net irrigation requirement for three commonly cultivated crops in South‐East Nigeria
Irrigation and Drainage ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-22 , DOI: 10.1002/ird.2447
M.E. Okechukwu 1 , C.C. Mbajiorgu 1

Effective crop production is one major way of ensuring food security, but basic information on evapotranspiration and net irrigation requirement are needed. ETc, NIR and their spatial distribution were studied for three commonly cultivated crops in south‐east Nigeria, namely African spinach (Amarathus hybridus), Nsukka yellow pepper (Capsicum Chinese Nsukkadrilus) and maize (Zea mays). The average daily ETc from lysimetric water balance studies and Kc were 3.9, 4.20 and 3.7 mm and 0.87, 0.93 and 0.82 for spinach, pepper, and, maize, respectively. The statewide annual evapotranspiration for the crops was between 1070 and 1450 mm. The average annual ranges of NIR were 408–706, 524–706 and 450–621 mm for African spinach, Nsukka yellow pepper and maize, respectively. Statewide, Imo and Abia states do not require irrigation annually. Mapping spatially interpolated evapotranspiration and NIR has not only provided information on areas where weather stations are not available but have also provided information for farmers, water managers and policy makers for effective water resources management and improved crop production for food security in the south‐east of Nigeria. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.



有效的作物生产是确保粮食安全的一种主要方法,但是需要有关蒸散量和净灌溉需求的基本信息。研究了尼日利亚东南部三种常见的农作物ET c,NIR及其空间分布,分别是非洲菠菜(Amarathus hybridus),Nsukka黄椒(Capsicum Chinese Nsukkadrilus)和玉米(Zea mays)。平均每日ET Ç从lysimetric水平衡研究和ķ Ç菠菜,胡椒和玉米的分别为3.9、4.20和3.7毫米,分别为0.87、0.93和0.82。全州每年的农作物蒸散量在1070至1450毫米之间。非洲菠菜,Nsukka黄椒和玉米的NIR年平均范围分别为408–706、524–706和450–621 mm。在全州范围内,伊莫州和阿比亚州不需要每年灌溉。绘制空间插值蒸散量和NIR的地图,不仅提供了有关没有气象站的地区的信息,而且还为农民,水管理者和决策者提供了信息,以进行有效的水资源管理和改善作物生产,从而促进东南部的粮食安全。尼日利亚。分级为4 +©2020 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.