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Quality of experience for unified communications: A survey
International Journal of Network Management ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2019-08-14 , DOI: 10.1002/nem.2083
Jasmina Baraković Husić 1, 2 , Sabina Baraković 3, 4 , Enida Cero 2, 4 , Nina Slamnik 1 , Merima Oćuz 5 , Azer Dedović 6 , Osman Zupčić 7

This paper presents a quality of experience (QoE) conceptual model to the context of unified communications (UC) through summary, classification, and discussion of multiple influence factors (IFs) and dimensions affecting it. A deep and comprehensive understanding of the IFs and their impact on QoE for a given service is an essential precondition for successful QoE management with the overall goal of prominently optimizing end‐user QoE, while making efficient use of network resources and maintaining a satisfied user base. The proposed conceptual model was used to conduct a qualitative meta‐analytical review of selected papers. The results of the qualitative review include various IFs, QoE dimensions, and key findings in the form of research recommendations for QoE in the context of UC.


