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Population Ecology and Evaluation of Suppression Scenarios for Introduced Utah Chub
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10385
Curtis J. Roth 1 , Zachary S. Beard 2 , Jon M. Flinders 3 , Michael C. Quist 4

Introduced Utah Chub Gila atraria were first sampled in Henrys Lake, Idaho, in 1993, and their presence in the system is a concern given possible interactions with sport fishes. Our objective was to describe the population dynamics of Utah Chub in Henrys Lake. A total of 362 Utah Chub was sampled via gill nets, with an average catch rate of 20.5 fish/net‐night (SE = 6.0) during May 2016. Average TL was 210 mm (SE = 3), and average weight was 134 g (SE = 5). Pectoral fin rays were used to provide estimates of growth and age structure. Utah Chub varied in age from 2 to 12 years, and recruitment was stable (recruitment coefficient of determination = 0.96). Estimated total annual mortality was 40% (SE = 4%). Fecundity of Utah Chub in Henrys Lake increased with length and varied from 6,232 to 156,797 eggs/female. Age‐structured population models were constructed using the demographics data, and estimated average population growth rate over a 10‐year period was 1.17. This study provides a comprehensive description of Utah Chub population dynamics and insight on their management in systems where they are not native. This information is not only useful for guiding management actions but also serves to further our understanding of Utah Chub ecology.



介绍了犹他州丘布吉拉阿特里亚最早是在1993年在爱达荷州的亨利斯湖取样的,鉴于它们可能与运动鱼类相互作用,因此它们在系统中的存在令人担忧。我们的目的是描述亨利湖中犹他州丘布的人口动态。2016年5月,通过刺网共采样了362个犹他州丘布鱼,平均捕捞率为20.5条鱼/每夜(SE = 6.0)。平均TL为210毫米(SE = 3),平均重量为134克(SE = 5)。胸鳍射线用于估计生长和年龄结构。犹他州丘布(Utah Chub)的年龄从2岁到12岁不等,招聘稳定(确定的招聘系数为0.96)。估计每年的总死亡率为40%(SE = 4%)。亨利斯湖中犹他州丘布的产卵量随着长度的增加而增加,从每只雌性6,232到156,797个卵不等。使用人口统计数据构建了年龄结构的人口模型,估计十年内的平均人口增长率为1.17。这项研究提供了犹他州丘布人口动态的全面描述,以及对非本地人口系统中其管理的见解。这些信息不仅有助于指导管理行动,而且有助于进一步了解犹他州丘布生态系统。