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Policy Challenges Relating to Integrated Pest Management of Freshwater Aquatic Invasive Animals
North American Journal of Fisheries Management ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-09-13 , DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10329
Michael H. Hoff 1 , Kevin S. Irons 2 , Jeffery E. Forester 3

Implementing integrated pest management (IPM) approaches to prevent invasion, contain and control established freshwater aquatic invasive animals (AIAs), and mitigate the impacts of those species has been limited, in part, because of policy‐related challenges. Scientific tools are being developed and tested that are designed to enhance IPM effectiveness and efficiency for managing AIAs. However, policy challenges may limit the near‐term use of IPM at the international and U.S. national, regional, state, and local levels. Policy challenges include unmet needs for authorities, governance, environmental compliance, funding, and decision support. Policy challenges can be addressed by improvements in legislative authorities, establishing needed governance, proactively meeting environmental compliance requirements, and funding IPM for species commensurate with benefits of programs in comparison with present and projected ecological, social, and economic impacts. Decision support tools are needed to evaluate which species, invasional stages, IPM program elements, and locations are priorities for allocating scarce resources and for justifying additional resources. Addressing those challenges could be either comprehensive and holistic (e.g., all freshwater aquatic animals in the USA) or species/taxon/geographically specific (e.g., Sea Lamprey Petromyzon marinus in the Great Lakes).



实施综合有害生物管理(IPM)方法来防止入侵,遏制和控制已建立的淡水水生入侵动物(AIA)以及减轻这些物种的影响在一定程度上受到了限制,这是由于与政策有关的挑战。正在开发和测试旨在增强IPM的效率和效率以管理AIA的科学工具。但是,政策挑战可能会限制国际和美国国家,地区,州和地方各级对IPM的近期使用。政策挑战包括当局,管理,环境合规,资金和决策支持的需求未得到满足。可以通过改善立法机构,建立必要的治理,积极满足环境合规性要求来应对政策挑战。与目前和预期的生态,社会和经济影响相比,为与计划的效益相称的物种提供IPM资金。需要决策支持工具来评估哪些物种,入侵阶段,IPM计划要素和位置是分配稀缺资源和证明额外资源合理性的优先事项。应对这些挑战既可以是全面而全面的(例如,美国的所有淡水水生动物),也可以是特定物种/分类群/地理位置的(例如,Sea Lamprey)在大湖中的双嘧马林Petromyzon marinus)。