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Conserving the endangered woylie (Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi): Establishing a semi‐arid population within a fenced safe haven
Ecological Management & Restoration ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1111/emr.12402
Michael Smith , Georgia Volck , Nicola Palmer , Chantelle Jackson , Carly Moir , Raquel Parker , Bryony Palmer , Adele Thomasz

Measuring and monitoring population size and growth are critical to assessing the progress and ultimately the success (or failure) of a reintroduction. The Woylie (Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi ) is one of Australia's threatened critical weight range mammals. To increase the species' area of occupancy, extent of occurrence, number of sub‐populations and global population size, in addition to creating a source population for future reintroductions, a new population has been re‐established into a safe haven located within the species' former range – Mt Gibson Wildlife Sanctuary. In this paper, we document the first 3 years of the reintroduction programme, over which time 162 individuals were translocated to Mt Gibson. Specifically, we (i) provide information on survivorship, (ii) estimate changes in critical population metrics (density, population size and distribution) and (iii) look for any major habitat preferences. Survivorship of collared animals was complete (i.e. zero mortality). The most recent population estimate was in the order of 750 individuals, reflecting strong growth in population size and density. The woylie has occupied the majority of the safe haven and is well represented in all major vegetation communities. The translocation is on track to meeting the key success criteria: a self‐sustaining population of woylies with a minimum of 300 individuals.


保护濒临灭绝的woylie(Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi):在有围栏的避风港内建立半干旱种群

测量和监视人口规模和增长对于评估重新引入的进度以及最终评估成功(或失败)至关重要。Woylie(Bettongia penicillata ogilbyi)是澳大利亚受威胁的临界体重范围的哺乳动物之一。为了增加物种的居住面积,发生范围,亚种群数量和全球种群规模,除了为将来的重新引入创建源种群之外,还重新建立了一个新种群,使其成为该物种内的避风港的前身-吉布森山野生动物保护区。在本文中,我们记录了重新引入计划的前三年,在此期间,有162个人被转移到了吉布森山。具体来说,我们(i)提供生存信息,(ii)估算关键种群指标(密度,种群大小和分布)的变化,以及(iii)寻找任何主要的栖息地偏好。领动物的生存是完整的(即零死亡率)。最新的人口估计数约为750人,反映了人口规模和密度的强劲增长。woylie占据了安全港的大部分,并且在所有主要的植被群落中都有很好的代表。易位迁移有望达到关键的成功标准:拥有至少300人的自我维持的糊涂种群。