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Response of oat-triticale mixture to post-emergence weed harrowing
Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B, Soil and Plant Science ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-18 , DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2020.1727562
Piotr Sobkowicz 1 , Ewa Tendziagolska 1 , Agnieszka Łagocka 1

In experiments with weed harrowing crops are negatively affected by competing weeds but also by the destructive effect of used implement. This research was carried out to find growth stages during which mixture of oat (Avena sativa L.) and triticale (× Triticosecale Wittm.) was resistant to harrowing and was able to effectively recover from this physical disturbance. Plots were harrowed 1–3 times on the same day at six consecutive stages of mixture growth with spring-tine harrow. After the latest harrowing, all plots were sprayed with herbicide to exclude competitive effect of weeds on the mixture. Compared to non-harrowed plots plant density of mixture was significantly reduced after a single cultivation at 1- and 2-leaf stage (20% and 23% respectively), two cultivations at 3-leaf stage (22%) and three at the beginning of the tillering (21%). No yield penalty was noticed for the density reductions, thus showing high ability of mixture to recover from physical disturbance. We recommend plant emergence as an appropriate growth stage for single harrowing of oat-triticale mixture. Two cultivations on the same day should not be planned earlier than at the beginning of tillering.



在使用杂草进行的实验中,农作物受到竞争性杂草的不利影响,但也受到使用过的农具的破坏性影响。进行这项研究以发现燕麦(Avena sativa L.)和黑小麦(× Triticosecale)的混合物的生长阶段威特姆(Wittm。)具有抗耙性,能够有效地从这种身体不适中恢复过来。在连续的六个阶段,用弹簧耙耙在同一天将耙耙1-3次。在最新的耙地之后,所有地块均喷洒了除草剂,以消除杂草对混合物的竞争作用。与非耙地相比,在1叶和2叶阶段单次种植(分别为20%和23%),3叶阶段两次种植(22%)和开始时进行三次种植后,混合物的植物密度显着降低分21(21%)。没有发现密度降低的产率损失,因此显示出混合物从物理扰动中恢复的高能力。我们建议将植物出苗作为燕麦-小黑麦混合物单一耙松的适当生长阶段。
