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Can herb-clover mixes compensate for the lack of milk in the diet of early-weaned lambs?
New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-26 , DOI: 10.1080/00288233.2018.1549083
Rene A. Corner-Thomas 1 , Lydia M. Cranston 1 , Peter D. Kemp 1 , Steve T. Morris 1 , Paul R. Kenyon 1

ABSTRACT This experiment investigated the feasibility of using herb-clover mixes to enable early weaning of lambs at ∼60 days of age. Over two years, twin lambs weighing more than 16 kg were allocated to three treatments: ryegrass pastures until 90 days-of-age, herb-clover mix until 90 days-of-age or weaned at ∼60 days of age onto herb-clover mix. In 2014, lambs offered the herb-clover mix, weaned at 60 or 90 days, were heavier at 90 days than lambs grazing on pasture with their dams. In 2015, lambs that weaned early onto the herb-clover mix were lighter at the same age as lambs that remained with their dam, but they still achieved a commercial weight. Ewes weaned early were heavier at weaning than ewes suckling lambs on ryegrass pasture in both years. Under some conditions, early weaning of lambs onto a herb-clover mix can be an effective alternative to conventional weaning on ryegrass pasture.



摘要 本实验研究了使用药草-三叶草混合物使 60 日龄的羔羊早期断奶的可行性。两年多来,体重超过 16 公斤的双胞胎羔羊被分配到三个处理:黑麦草牧场直到 90 日龄,草本三叶草混合直到 90 日龄或在约 60 日龄断奶到草本三叶草混合。2014 年,在 60 天或 90 天断奶的羔羊比在牧场上放牧的羔羊体重更重,在 60 天或 90 天断奶。2015 年,早期断奶到草本-三叶草混合物中的羔羊与母猪保持相同年龄的羔羊体重较轻,但仍达到了商业体重。在这两年中,较早断奶的母羊在断奶时比在黑麦草牧场上哺乳羔羊的母羊体重更重。在某些条件下,