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Cosmic Dusty Plasma and the Global Electric Circuit of the Earth
Plasma Physics Reports ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-26 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063780x20040066
A. V. Kostrov


The model of the global electric circuit of the Earth (GECE) is considered, which is inseparably linked with the processes in space plasma. The Earth is surrounded by cosmic plasma consisting of electrons, ions, and negatively charged dust particles. Dust particles easily penetrate through the magnetic field and the atmosphere and charge the surface of the Earth negatively. The stationary electric state is achieved when the current carried by the negative dust particles and the current of positively charged ions accelerated in the surrounding plasma become equal. Positive ions penetrate into the atmosphere through the regions with the northern and southern latitudes to altitudes of the order of 100 km, where they become nonmagnetized and can move parallel to the surface of the Earth, performing additional ionization in the anomalous structure of the E-layer, and creating the fair-weather current (of approximately 1500 A). The ions forming the fair-weather current are uniformly deposited on the negatively charged surface of the Earth. Using the data on the average dust flux onto the Earth surface and the value of the fair-weather current, it was found that the mean size of a dust particle is rd ≈ 4 × 10–7 m, its mass is md ≈ 5 × 10–17 kg, and its charge is Qd ≈ 10–16 C. The formation, charging, and discharging of clouds, as well as the causes for the effect of cosmic dust on the Earth’s weather, are discussed in the paper.




考虑了地球全局电路(GECE)的模型,该模型与空间等离子体中的过程密不可分。地球被由电子,离子和带负电的尘埃颗粒组成的宇宙等离子体包围。灰尘颗粒很容易穿透磁场和大气,使地球表面带负电。当负尘埃颗粒所携带的电流与周围等离子体中加速的带正电的离子的电流相等时,就可以达到稳态。正离子通过北纬和南纬的区域渗透到大气中,到达大约100 km的高度,在那里它们被非磁化并可以平行于地球表面移动,E层,并产生晴天电流(约1500 A)。形成晴天电流的离子均匀地沉积在地球的带负电荷的表面上。使用平均灰尘光束聚集地球表面与晴天电流的值的数据时,它发现,粉尘颗粒的平均尺寸是- [R d ≈4×10 -7米,其质量为d ≈ 5×10 -17 kg,并且其电荷Q d ≈10 -16 ℃。形成,充电和放电的云,以及为的宇宙尘埃对地球气候的影响的原因,是在本文所讨论。