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Ground Fracturing Related to 7.8Mw Saravan Earthquake, Sistan and Baluchistan, Iran — Evidence for Brittle Deformation
Journal of the Geological Society of India ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s12594-020-1442-z
Mohammad Noor Sepahi , Babaji Maskare , Mohammad Boomeri , Purva Gadpallu , Raymond A. Duraiswami

The eastern parts of the Sistan and Baluchistan province, southeast Iran is a tectono-magmatically active zone that continues to witness numerous small and large earthquakes. The volcanism in this region is related to the subduction of the Oman plate below the Eurasian plate. The study of the spatial distribution of the epicenter and focus of the earthquakes suggests close association with the numerous faults related to collisional tectonics. Evidence of ground fractures and faulting related to Saravan earthquake of 16th April 2013 which is the largest (7.8 Mw) recorded earthquake in the region is documented. This earthquake occurred along a segment of the NW-SE trending Saravan normal fault and its reverberations were felt as far away as New Delhi and Dubai. En echelon, 2-km long, northwest-southeast trending surface fractures and faults are recorded in the field near Hampani village southwest of Gosht city. The epicenter is located in the remote hilly terrain east of Gosht. Many of the fractures are listric. The fault records a downthrow of about half a meter and some segments record brecciation of phyllite, liquefaction of sediments and emergence of saline springs are associated features. Despite the high magnitude only a few casualties and minor damage to civil structures were recorded in Iran due to the sparse population and its remoteness.


与伊朗锡斯坦和俾路支斯坦 7.8Mw Saravan 地震相关的地面压裂——脆性变形的证据

伊朗东南部锡斯坦和俾路支省的东部是一个构造岩浆活动区,继续见证许多大小地震。该地区的火山活动与欧亚板块下方的阿曼板块俯冲有关。对震中和地震震源空间分布的研究表明,与与碰撞构造相关的众多断层密切相关。记录了与 2013 年 4 月 16 日的沙拉湾地震有关的地面裂缝和断层的证据,这是该地区有记录的最大地震(7.8 兆瓦)。这次地震发生在 NW-SE 走向的 Saravan 正断层的一段,其回响远至新德里和迪拜。2公里长的梯队,在 Gosht 市西南部 Hampani 村附近的田间记录了西北-东南走向的地表裂缝和断层。震中位于戈什特以东偏远的丘陵地带。许多骨折是李斯特形的。断层记录了大约半米的下降,一些断层记录了千枚岩的角砾岩化、沉积物液化和盐泉的出现是相关的特征。尽管规模很大,但由于人口稀少且地处偏远,伊朗仅记录了少量人员伤亡和土木结构的轻微损坏。沉积物的液化和盐泉的出现是相关的特征。尽管规模很大,但由于人口稀少且地处偏远,伊朗仅记录了少量人员伤亡和土木结构的轻微损坏。沉积物的液化和盐泉的出现是相关的特征。尽管规模很大,但由于人口稀少且地处偏远,伊朗仅记录了少量人员伤亡和土木结构的轻微损坏。