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Mating types of Verticillium dahliae isolates from cotton in Aydın Province/Turkey
Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s41348-020-00321-1
Birsen Geçioğlu Erincik

Verticillium dahliae has been recently characterized as a heterothallic fungus having two MAT idiomorphs, MAT1-1 and MAT1-2, which suggested that a putative sexual life cycle of the pathogen might exist. A successful mating in heterothallic fungi requires two individuals of opposite mating types present together in the same site. Co-occurrence of both mating types of V. dahliae has been investigated in many parts of the world but not comprehensively in Turkey. This study aims at determination of the mating types in V. dahliae populations in the major cotton producing districts of Aydın Province. A total of 123 V. dahliae isolates obtained from cotton were subjected to PCR assay with the two pairs of specific primers for mating type determination. All of the isolates produced a single amplicon approximately 600 bp in size, which is known belonging to MAT1-2 idiomorph. The results suggested that MAT1-1 has not been introduced yet to the Aydın Province. Absence of MAT1-1 idiomorph will deprive the pathogen from sexual reproduction and this maintains that the pathogen population remains clonal with presumably having low levels of genetic diversity.



黄萎病菌最近被表征为具有两种MAT独特型MAT1-1和MAT1-2的杂菌,这表明该病原体可能存在性生活周期。成功地在异源真菌中交配需要在同一位置同时出现两个相反交配类型的个体。在世界许多地方都对两种大麦弧菌的共生现象进行了研究,但土耳其并未对此进行全面研究。本研究旨在确定艾登省主要棉花生产区大丽花种群的交配类型。总共123个大丽花用两对特异性引物对从棉花中分离得到的分离株进行PCR分析,以确定交配类型。所有的分离物都产生了一个单个扩增子,大小约为600 bp,已知属于MAT1-2独特型。结果表明,MAT1-1尚未引入艾登省。缺少MAT1-1的独特性将使病原体无法进行有性生殖,这维持了病原体群体仍是克隆体的可能,其遗传多样性水平很低。