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Applying Remote Sensing to the Detection of Tectonic Structures and Localization of Ore Deposits within Biryusa and Krepskii-Tumanshet Ore Clusters (Eastern Sayan)
Izvestiya, Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1134/s0001433819090275
G. A. Milovsky , A. A. Belyakov

Decoded records of the Biryusa area made by the Resource-P space wide-swath multispectral equipment (WSME) (Russia) has allowed the tectonic structure of the anticline horst uplifts and the graben synclines separating them to be revealed, the important role of sublatitudinal faults in the structure of the area to be shown, and ore-prospective sites to be outlined. The study of the Krepskii-Tumanshet area was carried out using Resource-P (Geoton) multispectral and panchromatic high-resolution equipment, which made it possible to determine the structural position of the ore deposits. Within the Krepskii-Tumanshet area, the ore-controlling structures are short faults of sublatitudinal strike and their intersections with the faults of northwestern and northeastern orientation.


将遥感应用于 Biryusa 和 Krepskii-Tumanshet 矿簇(Eastern Sayan)内的构造结构检测和矿床定位

由 Resource-P 空间宽幅多光谱设备(WSME)(俄罗斯)对 Biryusa 地区的解码记录使得背斜地垒隆起和分隔它们的地堑向斜的构造结构得以揭示,次纬度断层的重要作用在要显示的区域的结构中,以及要勾勒出矿石前景的地点。Krepskii-Tumanshet 地区的研究是使用Resource-P(Geoton)多光谱和全色高分辨率设备进行的,这使得确定矿床的结构位置成为可能。在 Krepskii-Tumanshet 地区,控矿构造是亚纬向走向的短断层及其与西北和东北方向断层的交汇处。