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Chelidoperca flavolineata, a new species of perchlet (Perciformes: Serranidae) from Indonesia and the first Indonesian record of C. maculicauda
Ichthyological Research ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10228-019-00729-2
Mizuki Matsunuma , Heok Hui Tan , Teguh Peristiwady

The new serranid fish Chelidoperca flavolineata is described on the basis of 22 specimens from Indonesia (southern coast of Java, eastern Indian Ocean), in depths of 115–210 m. Literature records indicate that the species also occurs off northern Australia. The new species is most similar to Chelidoperca investigatoris (Alcock 1890) (known from the Arabian Sea and Bay of Bengal) in having the head and body entirely pinkish with a distinct yellow stripe from the snout tip to the caudal-fin base when fresh. However, C. flavolineata can be readily distinguished from the latter, having 4 (3 full-sized plus 1 half-sized) scale rows between the lateral line and middle of the spinous dorsal-fin base [vs. 3 (2 full-sized plus 1 half-sized) in the latter]; the lower and upper lobes of the caudal fin reddish and yellowish, respectively, and ca. 4 small reddish blotches on the dorsal margin near the caudal-fin base when fresh (retained as dark brown blotches in preserved specimens) (vs. both lobes uniformly yellowish to reddish without blotches). Moreover, C. investigatoris is characterized by an extremely large head, its length 45.0–46.5% of SL (vs. 37.2–39.8% of SL in C. flavolineata); longer upper-jaw, its length 20.1–20.2% of SL (vs. 16.8–19.3% of SL); longer postorbital, its length 26.2–27.0% of SL (vs. 17.9–19.9%); and a broader interopercular spine, its width 5.5–5.7% of SL (vs. 3.6–4.8% of SL).


Chelidoperca flavolineata,一种来自印度尼西亚的鲈鱼新种(鲈形目:鲽科),也是印度尼西亚第一个斑尾鲈

新的 serranid 鱼 Chelidoperca flavolineata 是根据来自印度尼西亚(爪哇南部海岸,印度洋东部)的 22 个标本描述的,深度为 115-210 m。文献记录表明该物种也出现在澳大利亚北部。新物种与 Chelidoperca 研究人员 (Alcock 1890)(在阿拉伯海和孟加拉湾已知)最相似,新鲜时头部和身体完全呈粉红色,从吻尖到尾鳍基部有明显的黄色条纹。然而,C. flavolineata 可以很容易地与后者区分开来,在侧线和棘背鳍基部中间之间有 4 行(3 个全尺寸加 1 个半尺寸)[vs. 3 个(2 个全尺寸加 1 个半尺寸)在后者];尾鳍的下叶和上叶分别呈红色和黄色,约 新鲜时在靠近尾鳍基部的背缘上有 4 个小的红色斑点(在保存的标本中保留为深棕色斑点)(相对于两叶均匀地淡黄色至红色,没有斑点)。此外,C.Investigator 的特点是头部非常大,其长度为 SL 的 45.0-46.5%(而 C. flavolineata 的 SL 为 37.2-39.8%);上颚较长,长度为 SL 的 20.1–20.2%(相对于 SL 的 16.8–19.3%);眶后更长,其长度为 SL 的 26.2-27.0%(vs. 17.9-19.9%);和更宽的岛间棘突,其宽度为 SL 的 5.5-5.7%(相对于 SL 的 3.6-4.8%)。5% 的 SL(与 C. flavolineata 中 37.2-39.8% 的 SL);上颚较长,长度为 SL 的 20.1–20.2%(相对于 SL 的 16.8–19.3%);眶后更长,其长度为 SL 的 26.2-27.0%(vs. 17.9-19.9%);和更宽的岛间棘突,其宽度为 SL 的 5.5-5.7%(相对于 SL 的 3.6-4.8%)。5% 的 SL(与 C. flavolineata 中 37.2-39.8% 的 SL);上颚较长,长度为 SL 的 20.1–20.2%(相对于 SL 的 16.8–19.3%);眶后更长,其长度为 SL 的 26.2-27.0%(vs. 17.9-19.9%);和更宽的岛间棘突,其宽度为 SL 的 5.5-5.7%(相对于 SL 的 3.6-4.8%)。