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Understanding Students’ Perceptions of the Nature of Science in the Context of Their Gender and Their Parents’ Occupation
Science & Education ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-28 , DOI: 10.1007/s11191-020-00103-z
Ameer Emran , Ornit Spektor-levy , Ofra Paz Tal , Orit Ben Zvi Assaraf

A thorough understanding of the concept of the nature of science (NOS) is essential to the development of scientific literacy among students, as it provides the students with the tools and capacity to interpret the scientific knowledge they will encounter. This study focuses on how social factors may influence 1010 Israeli 9th grade students’ understanding of NOS by exploring their perceptions of NOS and the relationship of those perceptions with the students’ gender and their parents’ occupation. The study used a Likert-scale questionnaire entitled “Students’ Ideas about Nature of Science” (SINOS), developed by Chen et al. ( 2013 ) to quantitatively examine students’ perceptions of NOS based on the following constructs: creativity and imagination, tentativeness, the durability of scientific knowledge, coherence and objectivity in science, and different gender stereotypes related to NOS. The results show that there is strong agreement among students regarding subjective aspects of NOS as well as whether they believe that both males and females are equally able to engage in scientific endeavors. In fact, the strongest correlation was found between constructs concerning science-for-boys and science-for-girls. Other findings showed that boys tend to agree more with constructs pertaining to coherence and objectivity in science, whereas girls tended to agree more with aspects of science-for-girls. Students whose parents were engaged in science were found to be more likely to agree with the subjective aspects of NOS.



彻底理解科学本质 (NOS) 的概念对于培养学生的科学素养至关重要,因为它为学生提供了解释他们将遇到的科学知识的工具和能力。本研究通过探讨 1010 名以色列 9 年级学生对 NOS 的看法以及这些看法与学生性别和父母职业的关系,重点关注社会因素如何影响他们对 NOS 的理解。该研究使用了由 Chen 等人开发的题为“学生对科学本质的想法”(SINOS)的李克特量表问卷。( 2013 ) 基于以下结构定量检查学生对 NOS 的看法:创造力和想象力、试探性、科学知识的持久性、科学的连贯性和客观性,以及与 NOS 相关的不同性别刻板印象。结果表明,学生们对 NOS 的主观方面以及他们是否相信男性和女性都能平等地从事科学工作有着强烈的共识。事实上,在关于男孩科学和女孩科学的结构之间发现了最强的相关性。其他调查结果表明,男孩更倾向于同意与科学的连贯性和客观性有关的结构,而女孩则更倾向于同意科学为女孩的方面。发现父母从事科学的学生更有可能同意 NOS 的主观方面。结果表明,学生们对 NOS 的主观方面以及他们是否相信男性和女性都能平等地从事科学工作有着强烈的共识。事实上,在关于男孩科学和女孩科学的结构之间发现了最强的相关性。其他调查结果表明,男孩更倾向于同意与科学的连贯性和客观性有关的结构,而女孩则更倾向于同意科学为女孩的方面。发现父母从事科学的学生更有可能同意 NOS 的主观方面。结果表明,学生们对 NOS 的主观方面以及他们是否相信男性和女性都能平等地从事科学工作有着强烈的共识。事实上,在关于男孩科学和女孩科学的结构之间发现了最强的相关性。其他调查结果表明,男孩更倾向于同意与科学的连贯性和客观性有关的结构,而女孩则更倾向于同意科学为女孩的方面。发现父母从事科学的学生更有可能同意 NOS 的主观方面。其他调查结果表明,男孩更倾向于同意与科学的连贯性和客观性有关的结构,而女孩则更倾向于同意科学为女孩的方面。发现父母从事科学的学生更有可能同意 NOS 的主观方面。其他调查结果表明,男孩更倾向于同意与科学的连贯性和客观性有关的结构,而女孩则更倾向于同意科学为女孩的方面。发现父母从事科学的学生更有可能同意 NOS 的主观方面。