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Sound production of the banded Sculpin, Cottus carolinae
Environmental Biology of Fishes ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-11 , DOI: 10.1007/s10641-020-00964-x
Daniel E. Holt , Ryan J. Friebertshauser , Carol E. Johnston

The use of sound in social interactions has been documented in several species of sculpin and may be used to convey information concerning species identity, intent, or fitness. Sound production may be a particularly important mode of communication in sculpin due to their nocturnal behavior and construction of nests in rock cavities where the efficacy of visual cues may be diminished. In this study, we describe acoustic signals produced during conspecific behavioral interactions in Cottus carolinae, and compare signal characteristics to the only other known sounds producers in the genus Cottus including C. gobio, C. rhenanus, C. perifretum, C. bairdii, and C. paulus. Sounds were produced during nocturnal encounters between cavity residents and intruders, and consisted of pulsatile signals that were arranged into pulse trains with remarkably long pulse intervals of approximately 1 s, as well as tonal sounds in which the periodicity was increased to approximately 60 Hz. We found no relationship between fish standard length and pulse instantaneous frequency or total pulse train duration, but did find a positive correlation between fish standard length and pulse duration, as well as position of pulse interval within the pulse train. We found that C. carolinae pulse train structure differed significantly from that of other published sculpin species, and that C. carolinae produce tonal sounds; a characteristic unique within the genus Cottus.


带状 Sculpin, Cottus carolinae 的声音制作

声音在社会互动中的使用已在几种杜鹃花中得到记录,可用于传达有关物种身份、意图或适合度的信息。发声可能是杜仲特别重要的交流方式,因为它们的夜间行为和在岩石洞穴中筑巢,视觉线索的功效可能会减弱。在这项研究中,我们描述了 Cottus carolinae 在同种行为交互过程中产生的声学信号,并将信号特征与 Cottus 属中仅有的其他已知声音产生者进行了比较,包括 C. gobio、C. rhenanus、C. perifretum、C. bairdii 和C. 保卢斯。声音是在洞穴居民和入侵者夜间相遇时产生的,由排列成脉冲序列的脉动信号组成,脉冲间隔非常长,大约为 1 秒,以及周期性增加到大约 60 Hz 的音调声音。我们发现鱼标准长度与脉冲瞬时频率或总脉冲序列持续时间之间没有关系,但确实发现鱼标准长度与脉冲持续时间以及脉冲序列中脉冲间隔的位置之间存在正相关关系。我们发现 C. carolinae 脉冲序列结构与其他已发表的杜鹃花物种显着不同,并且 C. carolinae 产生音调声音;在 Cottus 属中独一无二的特征。我们发现鱼标准长度与脉冲瞬时频率或总脉冲序列持续时间之间没有关系,但确实发现鱼标准长度与脉冲持续时间以及脉冲序列中脉冲间隔的位置之间存在正相关关系。我们发现 C. carolinae 脉冲序列结构与其他已发表的杜鹃花物种显着不同,并且 C. carolinae 产生音调声音;在 Cottus 属中独一无二的特征。我们发现鱼标准长度与脉冲瞬时频率或总脉冲序列持续时间之间没有关系,但确实发现鱼标准长度与脉冲持续时间以及脉冲序列中脉冲间隔的位置之间存在正相关关系。我们发现 C. carolinae 脉冲序列结构与其他已发表的杜鹃花物种显着不同,并且 C. carolinae 产生音调声音;在 Cottus 属中独一无二的特征。carolinae 产生音调;在 Cottus 属中独一无二的特征。carolinae 产生音调;在 Cottus 属中独一无二的特征。