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3D Simulation of Anisotropic Heat Transfer in Outer Layers of Magnetized Neutron Stars
Astronomy Reports ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-31 , DOI: 10.1134/s1063772920020031
I. A. Kondratyev , S. G. Moiseenko , G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan , M. V. Glushikhina


The results of three-dimensional numerical simulation of heat transfer in the outer layers of magnetized neutron stars are presented. Determining the structure of the magnetic field on a neutron star surface is an important task of modern astrophysics. In the presence of strong magnetic fields, the medium becomes anisotropic, and the laws of heat conduction change. The tensor coefficient of thermal conductivity for magnetized degenerate plasma was obtained by Bisnovatyi-Kogan and Glushikhina by solving the Boltzmann equation with the Chapman–Enskog method. In this paper, the temperature distribution on the surface of a magnetized neutron star is obtained for magnetic fields of the dipolar and quadrupolar type, as well as for their superposition. To numerically solve the stationary temperature distribution problem in the outer layers of a magnetized neutron star, the basic (support) operator numerical method was extended to a three-dimensional case. The problem was solved on the grid which consists of tetrahedra.




