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Host-range study about four aphid parasitoid species among 16 aphid species for constructing banker–plant systems
Applied Entomology and Zoology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s13355-020-00679-6
Koukichi Nagasaka , Aki Sagisaka , Seiichi Moriya , Takayuki Mitsunaga

To provide fundamental information for the biological control of aphids in vegetable greenhouses, we compared the host ranges of four aphid parasitoid species, Aphidius colemani Viereck, Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead, Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh), and Ephedrus nacheri Quilis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Aphidiinae). The acceptability as host of 11 vegetable-pest aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), Aphis craccivora Koch, Aphis gossypii Glover, Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach), Brevicoryne brassicae (Linnaeus), Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Cockerell), Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach), Macrosiphoniella sanborni (Gillette), Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), Myzus persicae (Sulzer), and Uroleucon formosanum (Takahashi), in addition to five aphid species, Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner), Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch), Rhopalosiphum padi (Linnaeus), Schizaphis graminum (Rondani), and Sitobion akebiae (Shinji) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) that serve as alternative hosts in banker–plant systems for the four aphid parasitoid species, were investigated. A newly emerged pair of parasitoid adults were provided to 100 aphids of each species on caged host plants in a 25 °C chamber for 24 h. The numbers of mummified aphids and emerged adults were counted in 10 trials for each aphid species. Aphidius colemani , A. gifuensis , D. rapae and E. nacheri parasitized four, two, three, and eight pest species, respectively, and four, three, three, and five alternative host species, respectively. Ephedrus nacheri had the broadest host range among the four species, and all the four species parasitized M. persicae , R. maidis, and S. graminum . This information will be useful for selecting candidate of biological control agents for aphids and for constructing banker–plant systems.



为了为蔬菜温室中蚜虫的生物防治提供基础信息,我们比较了四种蚜虫寄生物种,Aphidius colemani Viereck、Aphidius gifuensis Ashmead、Diaeretiella rapae (M'Intosh) 和 Ephedrus nacheri Quilis(膜翅目:茧蜂科:蚜虫亚科)。作为 11 种植物害虫蚜虫、Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris)、Aphis craccivora Koch、Aphis gossypii Glover、Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach)、Brevicoryne brosicae (Linnaeus)、Chaetosiphon fragaefolii (Harris)、Lipackerellal sanborni (Gillette)、Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas)、Myzus persicae (Sulzer) 和 Uroleucon formosanum (Takahashi),此外还有五种蚜虫,Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner)、Rhopalosiphum maidis (Fitch)、Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) 和 Sitobion akebiae (Shinji)(半翅目:蚜科)作为四种蚜虫寄生物种的银行家 - 植物系统中的替代宿主进行了研究。将一对新出现的寄生成虫提供给 100 只笼养寄主植物上的每种蚜虫,在 25°C 的室内培养 24 小时。对每种蚜虫物种进行 10 次试验,计算出木乃伊化蚜虫和成虫的数量。Aphidius colemani、A. gifuensis、D. rapae 和 E. nacheri 分别寄生了 4、2、3 和 8 种害虫,分别寄生了 4、3、3 和 5 种替代寄主。Ephedrus nacheri 在四种物种中寄主范围最广,四种物种均寄生于 M. persicae、R. maidis 和 S. graminum 。