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Laboratory rearing of Lytopylus rufipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae), a parasitoid wasp of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), using apple and a commercially available diet
Applied Entomology and Zoology ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s13355-020-00671-0
Chia-Ming Liu , Yooichi Kainoh

Lytopylus rufipes (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Agathidinae) is a potential natural enemy of the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), but there is no established method to rear this wasp continuously. In the laboratory, female wasps can produce both female and male progenies without mating (deuterotokous), but host-infested plants are necessary to trigger oviposition behavior. In this study, immature apples were used because they keep well. Grapholita molesta larvae were transferred to immature apples, and then exposed to L. rufipes females. After parasitization, these apples were transferred to blocks of artificial diet (Silkmate 2M) for further rearing. Using this transitional diet system, L. rufipes females develop in 25.1 ± 1.8 (mean ± SD) days from egg to adult, but male wasps require only 23.8 ± 1.0 days. Furthermore, the longevity of female wasps was 12.2 ± 7.3 (mean ± SD) days, and the parasitism rate was 26.4 (95% Cl: 22.2–30.6). Female wasps can attack host larvae in all instars, but parasitism of first-instar larvae is more successful. Therefore, first-instar larvae of G. molesta are recommended for establishing a L. rufipes colony under laboratory conditions. This system decreases the requirement for plant material and maintains continuous production of L. rufipes.


Lytopylus rufipes(膜翅目:茧蜂科:Agathidinae),一种东方果蛾的寄生蜂,Grapholitamoleta(鳞翅目:Tortricidae),使用苹果和市售饲料

Lytopylus rufipes (Nees)(膜翅目:茧蜂科:Agathidinae)是东方果蛾Grapholitamoleta(Busck)(鳞翅目:Tortricidae)的潜在天敌,但没有确定的方法来持续饲养这种黄蜂。在实验室中,雌性黄蜂无需交配(deuterotokous)即可产生雌性和雄性后代,但宿主感染的植物是触发产卵行为所必需的。在这项研究中,使用了未成熟的苹果,因为它们保存得很好。将 Grapholita moleta 幼虫转移到未成熟的苹果中,然后暴露于 L. rufipes 雌性。寄生后,将这些苹果转移到人工饲料块(Silkmate 2M)中以进一步饲养。使用这种过渡饮食系统,L. rufipes 雌性从卵到成年的发育时间为 25.1 ± 1.8(平均值 ± SD),而雄性黄蜂只需要 23.8 ± 1。0 天。此外,雌性黄蜂的寿命为 12.2 ± 7.3(平均值 ± SD)天,寄生率为 26.4(95% Cl:22.2-30.6)。雌蜂可攻击所有龄期的寄主幼虫,但寄生于一龄幼虫更为成功。因此,建议在实验室条件下建立 L. rufipes 菌落的 G.moleta 的一龄幼虫。该系统减少了对植物材料的需求并保持了红豆杉的连续生产。