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Statistical Modelling ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-14 , DOI: 10.1177/1471082x19868315
Brian Marx , Arnošt Komárek , Vicente Núñez-Antón

The editors are pleased to report some good news regarding Statistical Modelling. To start, the journal is now within reach of its 20th volume—or two decades in the making! With this, our five-year Impact Factor is at an all-time high of 1.65. Concerning our one-year Impact Factor, the journal now ranks near the median (63rd of 123) among Statistics and Probability journals (and last year we hit our best ranking which was in the top tercile). Downloads for journal articles are up more than 35% from last year, with over 36 000 visits from 169 countries, and these downloads were primarily recent works, giving indication of publication relevance. Online First is running smoothly and brings accepted papers online roughly within six weeks after acceptance (while allowing colour figures). As always, our goal is to make Statistical Modelling the primary research resource for statistical modellers, as well as an attractive outlet for statistical modellers to submit their own quality manuscripts (within the journal’s aims and scope found at www.statmod.org/smij). In return, the editors promise our authors a timely and professional review.



编辑很高兴地报告一些有关统计建模的好消息。首先,该期刊现在已经达到其第20卷(或正在编写的20年)之内!这样,我们的五年影响因子达到了历史最高点1.65。关于我们的一年期影响因子,该期刊现在在《统计》和《概率》期刊中排名中位(排名第123,第63位)(去年,我们创下了最好的排名,排名前三位)。期刊文章的下载量比去年增长了35%以上,来自169个国家的访问量超过3600次,这些下载内容主要是最新作品,显示了出版物的相关性。Online First运行平稳,大约在接受后六周内将接受的论文联机(同时允许彩色数字)。一如既往,我们的目标是进行统计建模统计建模人员的主要研究资源,以及吸引统计建模人员提交自己的高质量手稿的渠道(在www.statmod.org/smij上可找到该期刊的目的和范围)。作为回报,编辑们许诺我们的作者会及时而专业地进行评论。