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The Fate of Ornamental White Fringetree Through the Invasion Wave of Emerald Ash Borer and Implications for Novel Host Use by This Beetle
Environmental Entomology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-11 , DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvaa018
E A Ellison 1 , D L Peterson 1 , D Cipollini 1

Abstract Emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire [Coleoptera: Buprestidae]) is a wood boring beetle that is an invasive pest of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.) in North America. In 2014, it was reported that EAB had infested white fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus L. [Lamiales: Oleaceae]) in Ohio and was since found to have infested this species across its invasive range. In 2018, we reexamined 166 white fringetrees in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Pennsylvania that had been previously examined for EAB attack in 2015 to determine their fate. We assessed tree health and EAB infestation in each tree, assigned an infestation status of newly, continuously, not reinfested, or never infested, and compared the trees' current status to their 2015 status.This assessment was done to determine whether their health and infestation status had changed through the EAB invasion wave. We found that attack rates declined: 26% of trees were infested in 2015 whereas only 13% were in 2018, likely coinciding with declining beetle populations in the area. Overall tree health improved for trees that were not reinfested by EAB after a record of attack in 2015, suggesting that they can survive and recover from EAB attack. Conversely, health declined for newly and continuously infested trees, indicating that they became stressed from EAB attack. Although the majority of the trees survived the invasion wave, several were removed from various sites due to EAB attack suggesting that white fringetree varies in its resistance and tolerance to attack. As beetle populations continue to expand geographically, infestation rates will likely increase and health of white fringetrees will decrease with the EAB attack wave, especially as EAB reaches denser populations of fringetrees.



摘要 翡翠灰螟(EAB,Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire [鞘翅目:Buprestidae])是一种蛀木甲虫,是北美白蜡树(Fraxinus spp.)的入侵害虫。2014 年,据报道,EAB 感染了俄亥俄州的白色条纹树 (Chionanthus virginicus L. [Lamiales: Oleaceae]),此后发现在其入侵范围内感染了该物种。2018 年,我们重新检查了伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州的 166 棵白色条纹树,它们之前曾在 2015 年接受过 EAB 攻击,以确定它们的命运。我们评估了每棵树的树木健康状况和 EAB 侵染情况,将侵染状态分配为新的、持续的、未再次侵染的或从未侵染的,并将树木的当前状态与 2015 年的状态进行比较。进行此评估是为了确定它们的健康和感染状态是否通过 EAB 入侵波发生了变化。我们发现攻击率有所下降:2015 年有 26% 的树木受到感染,而 2018 年只有 13%,这可能与该地区甲虫种群数量下降相吻合。在 2015 年遭受攻击记录后,没有被 EAB 再次侵染的树木的整体健康状况有所改善,这表明它们可以从 EAB 攻击中生存和恢复。相反,新的和持续感染的树木的健康状况下降,表明它们受到 EAB 攻击的压力。尽管大多数树木在入侵浪潮中幸存下来,但由于 EAB 攻击,一些树木从不同地点被移除,这表明白色条纹树的抵抗力和对攻击的耐受性各不相同。随着甲虫种群的地理范围不断扩大,