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Network Packet Processing Mode-Aware Power Management for Data Center Servers
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1109/lca.2019.2926079
Ki-Dong Kang , Gyeongseo Park , Nam Sung Kim , Daehoon Kim

In data center servers, power management (PM) exploiting Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) for processors can play a crucial role to improve energy efficiency. However, we observe that current PM policies (i.e., governors) not only considerably increase tail response time (i.e., violate a given Service Level Objective (SLO)) but also hurt energy efficiency. Tackling limitations of current PM governors, we propose NMAP, Network packet processing Mode-Aware Power management. NMAP improves energy efficiency while satisfying given SLOs, considering packet processing status on a core for PM by monitoring transitions between network packet processing modes – interrupt and polling. Tracking the transitions, NMAP detects moments that a core cannot process packets fast enough and forces the core to immediately raise the voltage and frequency (V/F) state. As a result, NMAP can provide not only low response time but also low energy consumption. Our experiment shows that NMAP improves tail response time by up to 4.1× compared with the ondemand governor, reducing energy by up to 44.6 percent compared with the performance governor.



在数据中心服务器中,利用处理器的动态电压和频率调节 (DVFS) 的电源管理 (PM) 可以在提高能源效率方面发挥关键作用。然而,我们观察到当前的 PM 策略(即调控器)不仅大大增加了尾部响应时间(即违反了给定的服务水平目标 (SLO)),而且还损害了能源效率。解决当前 PM 州长的局限性,我们建议网络地图, N网络包处理 颂-一种洁具 管理。 网络地图提高能源效率,同时满足给定的 SLO,通过监控网络数据包处理模式(中断和轮询)之间的转换来考虑 PM 内核上的数据包处理状态。跟踪过渡,网络地图检测内核无法足够快地处理数据包的时刻,并强制内核立即提高电压和频率 (V/F) 状态。因此,网络地图不仅可以提供低响应时间,还可以提供低能耗。我们的实验表明网络地图 与 4.1 倍相比,将尾部响应时间提高了 一经请求 调速器,节能高达 44.6% 表现 州长。