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Fast Soft Tissue Deformation and Stump-Socket Interaction Toward a Computer-Aided Design System for Lower Limb Prostheses
IRBM ( IF 5.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.irbm.2020.02.003
A. Ballit , I. Mougharbel , H. Ghaziri , T.-T. Dao

Prosthetic technology is rapidly advancing but there's a catch. Regardless the technology or the material used, a minimum cost is still high. One of the problems relates to the fact that the conventional socket fabrication process is still used. This method is based on subjective estimations of the involved specialists and feedbacks of the patients. This process consumes remarkable amount of time, manpower and materials. Research works are needed to design new efficient and low-cost alternative techniques for the socket design. This technique should definitely be based on CAD-CAM methods. Therefore, the first step toward this objective is to establish an accurate numeric model for evaluating and optimizing the design process. In this present work, we developed a new approach to simulate the stump soft tissue deformation and stump-socket interaction using Mass-Spring System (MSS) approach and a point-to-surface contact formulation.

A novel Mass-Spring System with corrective spring (MSS-CS) model was developed and evaluated. A node-to-surface contact formulation was also integrated and evaluated. The MSS-CS model and contact formulation were evaluated with primitive geometrical object and a stump-socket model. Moreover, a finite element model of the stump-socket interaction was also developed using Abaqus to evaluate the proposed approach.

Obtained results show that the proposed contact formulation has a very good precision level and the contact pressures on the interface between the elastic and rigid bodies are very close to the analytical solutions. The comparison with Abaqus showed a qualitative concordance for the contact pressure. However, quantitative deviation remains high [25-50]% at the peak contact pressure due to different contact formulations. In particular, our MSS-CS approach is more efficient than Abaqus simulation in term of computational time and cost.

A novel approach was proposed to model soft tissue deformation and stump-socket interaction in an efficient and accurate manner. As perspectives, this present approach for a real-time simulation of the stump-socket interaction could be used in a real-time CAD-CAM platform to provide a cost-effective socket manufacturing process.






